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Roman Liutikov10:02:30

uh, just tried compiling a project with 2.20.20, shadow spits out a bunch of inference errors for interop code where previously (in 2.19.8) it wouldn't complain

(defn find-cut-before
  [^js $pos]
  (when-not (some-> $pos .-parent .-type .-spec .-isolating) ...

;; Cannot infer target type in expression (. G__39906 -isolating)


yes, previously many cases were not warning properly about externs and where causing renames without warning

馃憤 2

looks like in this case some-> might not be transfering typehints properly?

Roman Liutikov10:02:22

looks like it is, it's just a chain of prop getters


Has anyone gotten working? When I start expo, I get the following:

$ expo start --web
Starting Webpack on port 19006 in development mode.
Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
 - configuration.node should be one of these:
   false | object { __dirname?, __filename?, global? }
   -> Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
    * configuration.node has an unknown property 'module'. These properties are valid:
      object { __dirname?, __filename?, global? }


Also tried with npx expo start --web, to make sure it's the version of expo installed in node_modules that is used, but it's the same issue


I should say that I am not using yarn, but npm install


the lock file is from yarn, so probably just getting a different version of some packages


probably best to just create a new expo project from scratch and just copy the CLJS bits

馃憤 2

How can I run watch for 2 different builds in shadow-cljs in the same project without

shadow-cljs already running in project on . Use or terminate it before starting another one.
{:project-config "/***/shadow-cljs.edn", :project-home "***, :version "2.19.8"}
ExceptionInfo: shadow-cljs already running in project on . Use or terminate it before starting another one.


Watch both apps? shadow-cljs watch app1 app2

馃憤 2

heh thank you. I tried with , instead of

馃檶 2

*node server and UI for web browser