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Kovas Palunas22:02:14

Anyone here ever get a bunch of these warnings when doing a cljs build?

------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 Resource: sci/impl/fns.cljc:141:28
 Use of undeclared Var sci.impl.fns/clojure
I found this reference to it:, but I can't find anything like this in my current project:


Doesn't ring a bell. If I execute clojure -Stree in that project, I don't even see SCI as a dependency


How do you reproduce that message? With clj -M:frontend? This doesn't get past

[:app] Build failure:
The required namespace "hashp.core" is not available.
on my machine

Kovas Palunas23:02:59

i should add this to my project code


this is a warning you usually get for referencing a clojure class in cljc files outside a conditional


(extend-type clojure.lang.Whatever ...)


assuming just an old version?

Kovas Palunas19:02:57

an old version of what?

Kovas Palunas19:02:07

(btw i added hashp to my project)


@U02KJ2MN5NU Can you present us with a very clear way to reproduce the problem? What do you run on the command line?

Kovas Palunas19:02:57

i run ./run.zsh when i'm working on the project

Kovas Palunas19:02:46

clj -M:frontend also reproduces tho


[:app] Build failure:
The required JS dependency "react-dom/client" is not available, it was required by "app/interface/core.cljs".


I already ran npm install

Kovas Palunas19:02:08

ah sorry, try yarn


but I already see the problem. An old version of SCI is pulled in via hashp -> zprint:

. zprint/zprint 1.1.1
    . rewrite-cljs/rewrite-cljs 0.4.5
      X org.clojure/tools.reader 1.3.2 :older-version
    X borkdude/edamame 0.0.11-alpha.28 :superseded
      X org.clojure/tools.reader 1.3.4 :older-version
    . borkdude/sci 0.2.1-alpha.1


zprint is now at 1.2.5


upgrading hashp to 0.2.2 will likely solve it

Kovas Palunas19:02:08

let me try updating hashp to 0.2.2

Kovas Palunas19:02:47

what tool did you use to discover this?

Kovas Palunas19:02:02

what printed your paste above?


clojure -A:frontend -Stree

Kovas Palunas19:02:16

ok thanks!

👍 2
Kovas Palunas19:02:42

oh no i think i may have tried this update before...

ultiple files failed to compile.
------ ERROR -------------------------------------------------------------------
 File: jar:file:/home/kovas/.m2/repository/zprint/zprint/1.2.4/zprint-1.2.4.jar!/zprint/comment.cljc:1:1

   1 | (ns ^:no-doc zprint.comment
Invalid :refer, var* does not exist
   2 |   #?@(:cljs [[:require-macros
   3 |               [zprint.macros :refer [dbg dbg-pr dbg-form dbg-print zfuture]]]])
   4 |   (:require #?@(:clj [[zprint.macros :refer
   5 |                        [dbg-pr dbg dbg-form dbg-print zfuture]]])
------ ERROR -------------------------------------------------------------------
 File: jar:file:/home/kovas/.m2/repository/zprint/zprint/1.2.4/zprint-1.2.4.jar!/zprint/zutil.cljc:2:1
   1 | ;!zprint {:style :require-justify}
   2 | (ns ^:no-doc zprint.zutil
Invalid :refer, var* does not exist
   3 |   (:require
   4 |     #?@(:bb []
   5 |         :clj [[zprint.macros :refer [do-redef-vars]]])
   6 |     clojure.string
I found an old post of mine at looks like i need to solve this problem to get rid of the warnings

Kovas Palunas20:02:49

thanks for all the help! the tree command is really useful


it's not recommended to put :deps in ~/.clojure/deps.edn - it's best to put those in an alias

Kovas Palunas20:02:54

hmm. the reason i have things like this is so that when i do small scripting projects with stuff like babashka i'll have this functionality

Kovas Palunas20:02:01

will aliases work for this?

Kovas Palunas20:02:34

i also might be misremembering why i set it up this way : P


alias work when you include them on the command line:

clj -M:my-alias:frontend


:deps in the home clojure file has really weird behavior, it always overrides your project dependencies instead of the other way around


so it's best to avoid it altogether and just use aliases

👍 2