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The conjure help says: > The HUD is a floating window that shows you the current tail of the log. It > tries to show you the top of extremely large results since the top of a data > structure tends to be more interesting than the bottom. When I evaluate the buffer I'm in with <LocalLeader>eb, the Heads Up Display shows a list of names from each definition, but I don't want to see the top of this list; I want to see the end of the list, which is more likely to inform me about whether the buffer evaluated correctly (OK, not if there was an error that scrolls out of the HUD). Of course I can open up a window on the log buffer--that's what I usually do, to check. But sometimes I'd rather not open it. I'd rather just see in the HUD that my buffer evaluated without errors. Any suggestions? Some tricky way configure the HUD? A different way to evaluate a file or buffer? Thanks.


I tend to just use ,ef when evaluating a file, which does mean you have to write the changes but I generally recommend that. Eval buffer ends up sending many forms which results in many lines of output. There's no way I can handle this specific scenario right now I'm afraid, you could maybe create your own eval buffer mapping which scrolls to the bottom of the log in the HUD after you invoke it. If your ,eb fails entirely, you probably won't want it to automatically scroll to the bottom of the stack trace, cutting off the error message and the top of the stack trace. Also due to the nature of ,eb sending each line from your buffer, if one form in the middle fails to eval but the other forms below it DO work then you'll end up seeing the bottom of the result and also missing the error in the middle. I only use ,eb when I'm going to def inside a library namespace and tweaking it for some reason temporarily really.


Thanks @U38J3881W. That's a great suggestion. That all makes sense. I haven't been using ,ef but I often write the file before evaluating anyway. The ,ef behavior works well for my purposes. I'll switch to using ,ef most of the time.