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Roman Liutikov19:02:35

Does shadow perform any sort of dead code elimination for JS files? I have a JS file which exports a bunch of strings

export const a = "asdb";
export const b = "alksdj"
export const c = "lkajsd"
And then used in cljs
(ns app.core
  (:require ["./file" :as f]))

(prn f/a)
I'd expect non-used vars from JS file to be removed from the output after advanced compilation. IIRC shadow transforms JS differently, but it's surprising that such a simple case is not handled


ESM code included like that go through :advanced. so the gcc should remove b+c here?


haven't verified that in a while though. goog.module files are similar and more reliable when it comes to DCE


exports.a = "a";
exports.b = "b";
exports.c = "c";
and (:require [your.ns :as foo]) in the CLJS code


hmm just did a quick check. looks like there are indeed not eliminated, not sure why

Roman Liutikov09:02:32

I've tried it again with the above minimal example (ESM) in a fresh project, seems to be removing unused exports. But in a project at work it doesn't work.


the ESM integration has always been a bit of a hack since it never was an official google compiler feature mixing them. it supports ESM fine but mixing ESM with closure code has issues


not sure its because of that or just shadow missing something


could be externs related. ie. in the above if any externs for b or c exist that may prevent the removal