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Hi, there seems to be a problem when using both Web Workers and Module hash names. I have the following shadow-cljs.edn:
{:target :browser
:output-dir "resources/public/js/compiled"
:asset-path "/js/compiled"
:module-hash-names true
:modules {:shared {:entries []}
:main {:init-fn orgpad.client.core/init
:depends-on #{:shared}}
:layout {:entries [orgpad.client.layout.webworker.core]
:depends-on #{:shared}
:web-worker true}}
:compiler-options {:infer-externs :auto}
:devtools {:after-load orgpad.client.core/mount-root
:before-load orgpad.client.core/stop-web-workers
:watch-dir "resources/public"}}
When I run the release version, I get the following error: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at '' failed to load. at
Where the actual name is shared.0A18608384A13578DC44FDC090CF8CC5.js
I've been thinking about adding something like shadow-cljs release app --config-merge '{:module-fingerprint "foo"}'
@pavel.klavik did you report the source maps not working or was that someone else? in any case I reproduced that myself and :devtools {:loader-mode :script}
seems to fix that
Couldn't the hash problem be solved by first compiling shared.js, this would produce the hash, then add it into layout.js and then computing hash for it?
The source maps are fixed by what you suggested, thx.
but the web-worker case should be fixable I think. please open an issue so I don't forget
the stuff with module-fingerprint does not work yet?
seems better to use something a human can actually recognize (eg. version number or even using the git sha to lookup commits)
makes sense, both solutions would be fine, at least as an alternative
of course, I can imagine that I will make commits only changing the server (which I have in the same repository) and it will change the client js name, but it does not seem like a big problem
ya, currently it is not a big problem if the filename changes more often, but it is a big problem if someone uses old client version due to caches