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Hello, Im playing around with yada and evaluating it for an existing API only app. Here is the code Im trying:
(ns yada-yada.core
(:require [clojure.repl :as repl]
[yada.yada :as yada]
[yada.swagger :as swag]
[mount.core :as m]
[schema.core :as s]
[manifold.deferred :as d])
(m/defstate db
:start (atom {})
:stop (reset! db {}))
(defn get-value
(let [key (get-in ctx [:parameters :query :key])]
{:value (@db key)}))
(defn set-value
(let [{:keys [key value]} (get-in ctx [:parameters :body])]
(swap! db assoc key value)
{:message "Ok"}))
(s/defschema Pair
{:key String
:value s/Int})
(def data-resource
{:produces "application/json"
:consumes "application/json"
:methods {:get {:parameters {:query {:key String}}
:response get-value}
:post {:parameters {:body Pair}
:response set-value}}}))
(defn async
(d/let-flow [x 4
y 5
{:keys [a b]} (get-in ctx [:parameters :query])]
{:message (+ a b x y)}))
(def async-resource
{:produces "application/json"
:methods {:get {:parameters {:query {:a s/Int
:b s/Int}}}}
:response async}))
(def routes
[["data" data-resource]
["async" async-resource]]]
{:info {:title "Hello World!"
:version "1.0"
:description "A yada service"}})])
(m/defstate server
:start (yada/listener routes {:port 3000})
:stop ((:close server)))
(defn shutdown!
(System/exit 0))
(defn -main
[& _]
(repl/set-break-handler! shutdown!)
I have 2 questions:
• How to give a 404 here when none of the routes match with a resp like: {:message "Wrong route"}
• Whats a good way to ignore the trailing slash on routes?1. Use a bidi 'backstop' route of [true (yada/yada nil)]
2. Use bidi redirects
for the backstop one i tried:
(def routes
[["data" data-resource]
["async" async-resource]
[true (yada/yada nil)]]]
{:info {:title "Hello World!"
:version "1.0"
:description "A yada service"}})])
but this gives an error: No implementation of method: :encode of protocol: #'yada.swagger/SwaggerPath found for class: java.lang.Boolean
Im guessing the place is wrong?the other places in the tree it gives a 204 when no routes matched
Do it outside the swagger routes
trying it
Wrap the whole routes structure
should this be like
(def routes
[["/data" data-resource]
["/async" async-resource]]]
{:info {:title "Hello World!"
:version "1.0"
:description "A yada service"}}))
No, what you had before looked right. Just wrap the whole thing in another route. In bidi you can keep wrapping
(def routes
[["data" data-resource]
["async" async-resource]]]
{:info {:title "Hello World!"
:version "1.0"
:description "A yada service"}})]
[true (yada/yada nil)]])
but got No implementation of method: :match-pattern of protocol: #'bidi.bidi/Pattern found for class: nil
Sorry probably not really grasping the routing you're mentioning 😞