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I'm trying to define a context and import some functions in this context, this is right, how can I make this work??
(def context
(sci/init {'quil.core (into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k v])) (ns-publics 'quil.core))
'reagent.core {'create-class r/create-class}
'codemirror-sci {'->quil-canvas ->quil-canvas}}))
maybe is not working because sci can't use p5js?Please be more specific. What error do you get? is p5js a JS library? Do you have a public repo? What program are you trying to run in the SCI context?
@U9ABG0ERZ I think you might need to add :classes {'js goog/global :allow :all}
to your context options
and then you can access all JS library from the global environment. But more information is better
also you need to put the namespaces inside
(sci/init {:namespaces {'quil.core ...}})
(def context
(sci/init {:classes {'js goog/global :allow :all}
:namespaces {'quil.core (into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k v])) (ns-publics 'quil.core))
'reagent.core {'create-class r/create-class}
'codemirror-sci {'->quil-canvas ->quil-canvas}}}))
(defn editor
{:keys [eval?]}]
(r/with-let [!view (r/atom nil)
last-result (when eval? (r/atom (eval-string source)))
mount! (fn [el]
(when el
(reset! !view (new EditorView
(j/obj :state
(cond-> #js [extensions]
eval? (.concat #js [(extension {:modifier "Alt"
:on-result (partial reset! last-result)})]))
:parent el)))))]
[:div {:class "rounded-md mb-0 text-sm monospace overflow-auto relative border shadow-lg bg-white"
:ref mount!
:style {:max-height 410}}]
(when eval?
[ {:style {:white-space "pre-wrap" :font-family "var(--code-font)"}}
(j/call @!view :destroy))))
(->quil-canvas {:title "Oh so many grey circles" ;; Set the title of the sketch
:settings #(smooth 2) ;; Turn on anti-aliasing
:setup setup ;; Specify the setup fn
:draw draw ;; Specify the draw fn
:size [323 200]})
;; gives :
#error {:message "Could not resolve symbol: ->quil-canvas", :data {:type :sci/error, :line 1, :column 6, :file nil, :phase "analysis"}}
I'm trying to add code-mirror + sci to run quil
@U9ABG0ERZ You need to write (quil.core/->quil->canvas ..)
or evaluate (require '[quil.core :refer :all])
in the ctx beforehand
This ->quil-canvas
. Is a function that's declared in the ns that I'm declaring context
The same holds there: use (require '[code-mirror-sci :refer [->quil-canvas]])
if you want to use it without a namespace prefix
(require '[code-mirror-sci :refer [->quil-canvas]])
=> inside the the context for sci to begin with it, right?