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Carsten Behring17:03:58

New release of the vega-lite gallery in EDN format for easy copy/paste to Clojure: Code: Live app: Changes: • improved performance via by serving local svgs • larger plot preview • added "copy EDN" button

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🎉 2

One thing I noticed is that the sub-page links return "Page not found",

Carsten Behring19:03:13

yes, I noticed it. probably I should make stable links to subpages. I played with htmx, just figuring how to do.


Fwiw, if the pages are static, then I've found just using github pages for hosting to be a good option.

Carsten Behring19:03:46

yes, I had a static version before, but was curious to play with Azure Container Apps. Currently I have the "svgs" served by the web server, which makes it much faster, instead of downloading them from GitHub. I have as well a never-concluded PR to integrate them into the vega-lite website as static pages. Azure App Container I pay for, but very little. It scales down to "zero", while not in use, and so costs very little a month.

👍 1
Carsten Behring21:03:14

The stable deep links to individual examples work now.

🎉 1