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hey all how can I group up queries that include "many" cardinality? for example:

(d/q [:find ?user ?group
      [?u :user/name ?user]
      [?u :user/group ?g]
      [?g :group/name ?group]])
I'm receiving the results as repeating user names for each group, and I want the result to be group in a vector for the group:
[{:user "u1"
  :groups ["g1" "g2"]}
 {:user "u2"
  :group ["g1" "g4"]}]
should I just write ad-hoc code for that or datomic has some aggregate / grouping functionality?


Datomic can do this, look for “aggregate” in the docs. Eg :find ?user (vec ?groups)


prefect it worked, thanks While I'm at it, I'm trying to modify the values of the groups. I'm receiving as an input the current groups of the user. I want to remove all the group he currently part of and add the new ones. I have tried retract and add in the same transaction but it failed:

(d/transact conn [{:user u
                   :groups [{:name g-name} ...]}
                  [:db/retract [:user u] :groups]])
Two datoms in the same transaction conflict


Woah I never knew vec could be used like this. Is there a way that you can call pull in the query on the things you're calling the aggregate function on? like

:find ?user (vec (pull ?groups [*])
That gives me
IllegalArgumentException Argument (pull ?groups [*]) in :find is not a variable
Edit: hmm I think maybe a subquery doing the pull would work, trying that out now


You can write your own aggregate fn (read the docs). If you are on on-prem, it’s usually pointless to try and stuff everything into a query

👍 1

Just use group-by and/or pull-many


Re: retract and add, you can’t retract and add the same value in the same tx; you need to retract the specific ones which will be gone. If you want to do this in a race-proof way, write a transaction fn which accepts the full set of values you want and returns the adds/retracts needed to make that the final value

👍 1

Understood. thank you


Since vec is not documented in the, I wonder if there are other aggregate functions I've been missing. I also wonder if the (also undocumented AFAICT) function signature of custom aggregates just happens to match that of the built-in "ambient" fn vec...


vec in my example is clojure.core/vec


function signature of custom aggregates is documented


(but pro probably is good docs too for DC)


IDK cloud, but I doubt its significantly different


actually I wonder if I could just use identity instead of vec


Works on cloud too. I had a similar line of thought that vec must be some "special" built in before realizing it's clojure.core/vec and having a mini "aha moment" about how the aggregates work


Seems like it, based on the docs you provided


I’d worry about any reference-holding it might do


IDK its internals


on cloud though that would be fine--it’d just get serialized


(well unless it was an ion in-process)


re aggregates, they’re more like collection transformers. There’s nothing fancy going on with windowed aggregates like some other dbs offer, because all results are fully realized before the grouping happens


that’s why the fn signature is so simple