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Hello guys! I'm playing around with cljs/reagent/re-frame <-> js interop these days, and I've stumbled upon a problem that I cannot understand.
I'm using tanstack/react-table
like this:
(def columns
{:accessorKey "status"
:header "Status"
(fn [props]
(println "RERENDERRR")
(defn data-table [{:keys [columns data]}]
(let [columns (clj->js columns)
data (clj->js data)
table (useReactTable #js {:data data
:columns columns
:getCoreRowModel (getCoreRowModel)})]
[:div {:class "rounded-md border"}
[:> Table
[:> TableHeader
(for [header-group (.getHeaderGroups table)]
[:> TableRow {:key (.-id header-group)}
(for [header (.-headers header-group)]
[:> TableHead {:key (.-id header)
:colSpan (.-colSpan header)
:style {:width (str (.getSize header) "px")}}
(when-not (.-isPlaceholder header)
(flexRender (.. header -column -columnDef -header) (.getContext header)))])])]
[:> TableBody
(let [rows (.-rows (.getRowModel table))]
(if (and rows (pos? (.-length rows)))
(for [row rows]
[:> TableRow {:key (.-id row)
:data-state (and (.getIsSelected row) "selected")}
(for [cell (.getVisibleCells row)]
[:> TableCell {:key (.-id cell)}
(flexRender (.. cell -column -columnDef -cell) (.getContext cell))])])
[:> TableRow
[:> TableCell {:colSpan (.-length columns)
:class "h-24 text-center"}
"No results."]]))]]]))
(defn tasks-page []
(let [tasks @(rf/subscribe [::subs/tasks])]
[:div {:class "flex h-full flex-1 flex-col space-y-8 p-8"}
[:f> data-table {:columns columns :data tasks}]]))
When tasks-page
component gets re-rendered, I get multiple non-stopping "RERENDERRR" prints in my console
If I change the :data
parameter of data-table
component to take (clj->js tasks)
(and remove the data (clj->js data)
from the data-table let binding) I actually fix this problem. My main question is, why?It also seems that when moving the "RERENDERRR" println
in the top of data-table
function it still gets triggered endlessly (in case that helps)
It seems that according to some discussions in gh ( that the tanstack table wants a stable JS reference to data, which I suppose I don't provide, because in each re-render I do pass data as (clj->js data)
. Is there any way to achieve this? I want to keep my data as clojurescript data structures in re-frame database and not as javascript objects
Seems that this can be solved using:
(defn data-table [{:keys [columns data]}]
(let [columns (useMemo #(clj->js columns) #js [columns])
data (useMemo #(clj->js data) #js [data])
table (useReactTable #js {:data data
:columns columns
:getCoreRowModel (getCoreRowModel)})]
I'll still wait for some feedback if this is the correct solution though 🙂