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Hey there, I just want to put out a quick thank you to the Fulcro-ists (@\tony.kay and gangs) for the wonderful library. I learnt about Fulcro a few years back but kinda dropped the ball due to other commitments. Finally got back to it recently for a pet project (Fulcro + React Native) and the wonderful fulcro-native-template is a great place to get started. There's something magical about being able to use Clojure to write an Android app that reloads the moment you make changes to the code. One thing I've noticed, however, is that the moment one's required to use an expo native module in order to interact with the underlying Android code (in my case I need to use a Java library), the template starts falling short. It took me a while but I've managed to fix this and now I can use ClojureScript to work with the library's code (which is even more magical to me). I'm thinking about adding some docs/how-tos regarding working with local expo modules. Is this a good idea, and whether I can add this to the template's README? Thanks.

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Yeah, I haven't really had much time to update the native template, and I am also using it on an Android / iOS project right now, but I don't think I stuck with the template, and I haven't really written up any notes. So, any contribution like that would be great. I think most people who would want to write an app these days would end up using the expo prebuild, so they can integrate additional native code, which is what I've had to do. I'm not sure if just additions to the readme, or perhaps an alternate branch and read me that talks about what's available?


I can make some changes to the README and submit a PR. If you want a working example, I can modify the template in a branch and just point to there.


seems like both would be great


sure I'll submit a PR as soon as I have some time 🙂


@U0CKQ19AQ Hey. I've made a PR with a working example and a README section. Please give it a try to make sure I haven't missed anything. Side note: 1. my GitHub-fu isn't strong enough to know how to move all of this to a separate branch, so I've kept the target as master for the time being 2. Part of the README change, there's a section where I'm using some dummy url in the last part. This is meant to be used as the pointer to the branch itself. Lmk your thoughts on this. Thanks

Nick McAvoy02:04:03

Just swinging by this thread to applaud 👏 I love it when I find a discussion like this, go to the PR, and it's been merged!

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