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what do I need to do to make zprint pretty printer work in Calva? I'm not near my computer right now but when I set the config to use zprint and then start my REPL by jack-in it complains that zprint is not found on my classpath. Should I install zprint in my project or Calva will auto-inject it for me?


If zprint is configured as the pretty printer before Jack-in, Calva should inject the dependency… What does the jack-in command-line look like for you?


hey @U0ETXRFEW thanks the reply, it seems that something was misconfigured at my end, I closed vscode and tried again, did the same jack-in and the :dependencies key had zprint conjoined on the command, all good now 🙂

Karol Wójcik16:03:23

Hello Calva lovers, I didn't report it for several months, but sometimes I'm getting duplicated entries for the completions. Can I disable somehow this behaviour? Many thanks!


Hi! This could be that you get definitions both from the repl and from clojure-lsp. Calva merges them, iirc, and by the look of it, the two entries differ on the type. You can enable the clojure-lsp message log to confirm that you only get one from that source. There’s also a repl message log.

Karol Wójcik18:03:19

Hmm, I will take a look! Thank you so much @U0ETXRFEW 🙂