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Hi! I'm very excited about polylith, and after refactoring a side project to use it, we have decided to switch our main project to it. It's an online system using Datomic Ions and Integrant on the back-end and re-frame on the front-end. What I did was put the entire monorepo we have in one base, and created a project for launching back-end. So far I can start the REPL, but everything breaks before initializing. I used a user.clj file for initiating a dev local system, and one of the first things it does was: (cast/initialize-redirect :stdout) (cast/dev {::msg "init-cast"}) But even that throws an error: Execution error (StackOverflowError) at cider.nrepl.middleware.out/print-stream$fn (out.clj:142). Can you please point me at the right direction?


totally wild guess, because I don't know what cast/ is, but it looks like some part of print out errors is throwing an exception, and then that exception is attempted to be printed, and that throws, and on and on until a stackoverflow


so maybe you actually have two errors, 1. some badly behaved cider (tooling) stuff that is looping forever trying to print errors and then getting a stackoverflow, and 2. whatever throws the initial error that causes cider to go into a loop


if you try a non-nrepl repl you might get a clear message for no. 2


Thank you @U0NCTKEV8 It does look that it's a cider error, will try digging into this some more.


@U0NCTKEV8 you were right, I loaded this user.clj file through terminal repl and everything works. Thank you!


It also works in Emacs via nrepl server, but without cider middleware