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good idea, bad idea. A comment marco that shows up in the docstring for a function it was attached to. Something like this
(defn foo [x] (inc x))
(comment-fn 'foo
(foo 1)
;;=> 2)
(clojure.repl/doc foo)
(foo 1)
;;=> 2
Finding the time to make a good test, or even write a good doc string is fairly high. Meanwhile, i almost always end up with a comment block as i develop a function. I would like that to be easily available and apparent to myself and others in the future and this seems like a decent way to do that. Or can you think of a better way?I'd go one step further and add a replacement macro for defn
so that you don't have to split the function and the docs.
But also, if you only have "args -> return" in that comment, you can already use function specs for that.
i almost feel like changing a core function like defn makes the code base feel really scary. I know that sounds silly, but i personal always get anxiety when i open a new codebase and it's like "good bye clojure hello xyz". Maybe i need to find a way to make the macro more approachable though?
but yea, combining them as that advantage for sure.
both can probably exists. defn-spec is defiantly looks inspirational, thanks for sharing it 🙂
how about using the test metadata? that would also verify that the example you give actually works
Interesting. Whenever I see "xyz", I just immediately browse its source code and read its docstring, and that solves most of the inconveniences caused by some new thing I've never seen before.
So if I saw some defn+
, it wouldn't be an issue at all for me. And you can make your IDE (at least Cursive but probably any other) work with it as well by resolving it as defn
and putting those comments within the metadata of the function.
I haven't personally used it, but I meant stuff like & I assume those can be integrated with clojure.test
I recall reading some blog post about that, but can't find it anymore. Theres some discussion about that here:
Ah, yeah. At some point, I found clojure.core/test
to be too verbose and came up with this:
But none of that is compatible with the requirement in the OP - to be able to use doc
to see the example code. Which, of course, might not be a strict requirement - up to Drew.
I mentioned doc, but my actual goal would be more abstract. Just a way to reach, first and foremost, myself in the future with some easy to reach examples that i would have created without any effort. Secondly, reaching as big of an audiance as possible, i assume most editors pick up the doc string information so that's a safe bet. Though now that i'm saying this outload, i realize that i don't know how an editor could use my hypothetical "comment fn macro" as a doc string for a function.
Yeah, then using :test
would probably make more sense because at least it's something built-in - some editors might know about it and display it to their users.
i like that option.
> i almost feel like changing a core function like defn makes the code base feel really scary. Me too. 👍
Condensing the discussion above, it sounds like comment-fn
is a macro that will add it's body to both the :doc
and :test
metadata of the fn. I'd definitely use that! :star-struck:
Interesting question. I don’t know the answer, but it spurred me to think whether it would make sense for tooling to support for a “Show Examples”-type command. When your caret is on a symbol naming a function or a macro and you run the command, if there’s a file called examples/{your-fn-name}.repl
in the classpath, the tooling would open it (perhaps side-by-side with the original view), with (in-ns 'your.namespace)
tacked at the top of the file to make it easy to evaluate the examples in the context of your namespace. That way the examples would be at hand and easy to work with. :thinking_face:
I like it. ✔️
I'm going to try do work on this for an hour in #C04547H53TK right now. i'm half asleep and don't know how to write macros. join at your own risk.
In just a short time, and half asleep with a crashing editor, i made some good progress with help from @U06S1EJPL. It was a lot of fun, i never had a strong urge to try my hand at a macro before.
Do you think that the fact that calling (rand-nth [])
throws an indexOutOfBoundsException
is expected behavior or a bug?
It's not in the documentation and it seems to be that it's only an implementation detail because it's doing (nth coll (rand-int (count coll)))
, and the index computed by rand-int
is 0, which isn't valid for coll
I’d expect it to throw some kind of exception, the same as nth
. nth
documents that if will throw unless it gets a not-found
What else could one expect when asked to get a random element from an empty collection? nil
does not hide that it uses nth
, so I’d not consider that an implementation detail:
> Return a random element of the (sequential) collection. Will have
> the same performance characteristics as nth for the given
> collection.
Getting the first
of an empty collection returns nil
, so i wouldn't find this behavior strange
I don't think that getting a random element from a collection to be so different from getting the first (or last) element from a collection, wrt to expected behavior
You could argue the same for nth
user=> (get [] 0)
user=> (nth [] 0)
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException [at <repl>:4:1]
So a rand-get
could return nil
like get
, but rand-nth
should throw like nth
.Docstring for nth
> Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of
> bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied. nth
> also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,
> in O(n) time, for sequences.
It seems wrong to me that (rand-int 0)
is defined. I can understand what is a N-sided dice if N is positive, but what is a 0-sided dice ?
Returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive).
the range between 0 inclusive and 0 exclusive is empty => GIGOYeah, I'd agree this makes no sense on empty vectors, and comparing it to first
is comparing two different abstractions. first
is from the sequence abstraction which has defined behavior over empty sequences. nth
and friends are all specifically defined to return index out of bounds if you index somewhere wrong, so I expect rand-nth
with an empty collection to throw.
What I don't expect is for that exception to be based on indexing, I expected rand-int
to throw when passed 0, but either way rand-nth
is displaying correct behavior.
Hi, I'm trying to find again a nice tool I discovered when I was learning Clojure. It is a website with an interactive Lisp calculator, that displayed expressions graphically with a binary tree of inputs and operations. It was interactive, as the user wrote new expressions or edited them in the text area, the graph would update seamlessly. I can attach a drawing of the example structure of the binary tree, but I can't remember much more! If I'm not wrong the background was a light brownish, but I'm not sure 🙂
It might not be the same thing, but your description has some overlap with
Also probably not the same thing, but there are some interesting projects and results discussed at
This in particular looks similar, albeit it's in CL and not Clojure:
@U2FRKM4TW, that's a really interesting post... from 5 years ago! Very cool! 🤯
thank you very much!