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Rambabu Patina05:10:10

Hi, How to use npm modules correctly in clojurescript for the below code

import axios from 'axios';
import { aws4Interceptor } from "aws4-axios";

const client = axios.create({ baseURL: BASE_UEL, headers: {appkey: 'test'}});
        region: AWS_REGION,
        service: "execute-api",
        accessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        secretAccessKey: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
(PATH, JSON.stringify(body))

Rambabu Patina06:10:58

Thanks @U2FRKM4TW for you quick response. I use shadow-js and could able to import. But on runtime getting issues such as TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined

Rambabu Patina06:10:04

Here is my code

["axios" :as axios]
["aws4-axios" :refer [aws4Interceptor]]

(p/let [instance (->
                     {:baseURL js/process.env.BASE_URL
                      :headers {:appkey (:key event)}}))
        interseptor (aws4Interceptor
                      {:region js/process.env.AWS_REGION
                       :service 'execute-api'}
                      {:accessKeyId js/process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                       :secretAccessKey js/process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY})]
(.use (.. instance -interceptors -request) (interseptor))


> Cannot read property url Your code doesn't mention the url property anywhere. Can you provide a full stack trace of that error? Also, note that you still have to pass JS objects to JS functions that expect them - you can't just shove CLJS data in there. Meaning, all those {...} you pass to axios functions should actually be #js {...}. Including the nested ones, because #js is shallow.

Rambabu Patina06:10:30

Now I am passing js objects. The error stack is

>  (node:50334) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:93:33
>      at step (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:33:23)
>      at (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:14:53)
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:8:71
>      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
>      at __awaiter (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:4:12)
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:88:39
>      at $server$utils$register_with_ac [as register_with_ac] (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/.shadow-cljs/builds/functions/dev/out/cljs-runtime/app/server/utils.cljs:48:49)
>      at switch__40487__auto__ (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/.shadow-cljs/builds/functions/dev/out/cljs-runtime/app/server/installations.cljs:42:11)
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/.shadow-cljs/builds/functions/dev/out/cljs-runtime/app/server/installations.cljs:42:11


And what is going on at app/server/utils.cljs:48:49?

Rambabu Patina06:10:16

The line (.use (.. instance -interceptors -request) (interseptor)) Changing to (.use (.. instance -interceptors -request) interseptor) resolved that issue. Thanks for narrowing down the issue. But now I got another issue now

>  (node:53573) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: No URL present in request config, unable to sign request
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:94:31
>      at step (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:33:23)
>      at (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:14:53)
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:8:71
>      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
>      at __awaiter (/Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:4:12)
>      at /Users/rambabupatina/sde/development/app-folder/functions/node_modules/aws4-axios/dist/interceptor.js:88:39
>      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
>  (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

Rambabu Patina06:10:44

Though I am passing url


> Changing to [...] resolved that issue. Nice! > But now I got another issue As you can imagine, debugging someone else's code via a text chat is a logistical nightmare. :) NodeJS has debugging capabilities. Just add a breakpoint in that place, relaunch the app in the debugging mode, and poke around.

Rambabu Patina06:10:34

I agree. Sure I will try that. Thanks for awesome inputs!

👍 1

In ns1 I have (def ^:dynamic sentinel true) and in ns2 I use (binding [ns1/sentinel false] ...) where the body inside the binding calls promises. The binding isn't effective when functions inside the promise run. Doesn't seem to work with-redefs either. Am I missing some magic?


both don't work in async contexts


ah, so much to learn in cljs land coming from jvm. Thank you


no difference on the the JVM. clojure has bound-fn to carry over bindings, cljs does not

👍 1
Joshua Suskalo19:10:42

The bit-count function only works with integer-ish numbers with 32 bits or less, but since JS numbers are doubles that means you get ~51 bits of integer precision, and that means that bit-count is poorly-behaved on large integer-ish numbers. Is this something that was explicitly considered? With bit-count being a cljs-only function I'd think that it would be designed specifically for JS types, but it appears to be designed with C integers in mind since that's where the algorithm used is most often defined.

Joshua Suskalo19:10:59

Makes sense! That's the answer I was looking for


I'm trying to migrate from cljsbuild to shadow-cljs I can't find where is the "main" function/namespace in cljsbuild. And I have no idea which namespace is the main one.


the "main" namespace is the namespace where your code "initializes", basically where code runs when the JS is loaded


usually if you followed some templates a .core namespace, or maybe a .main or .app


whatever naming pattern you followed in the code 😛


it is a big codebase. In some cljsbuild configs, there is a :main function. In others, it does not exists. I can't understand how cljsbuild works without a main


if no :main is set it'll just compile all the .cljs files it finds


found it. I noticed that on prod build it was using some extra classpath src/../prod and inside this classpath there is a ...bootstrap namespace, that calls (main/start) funciton at top-level. thanks!