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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:01:34

Thanks a lot for these, Wilker! > ERROR: “Resolver :order/name-resolver returned an invalid response: “some text” I keep forgetting to return a map 😅 and this always saves me 🙏

🙏 2

I see there’s a plugin entry point for ::pcr/wrap-resolve which provides access to the input. Is there a way to access the output that’s being used to identify the resolver? Or is there a way to get access to the resolver’s symbol? Basically I’m looking for a way to identify the resolver itself. (This is to tap into our own performance profiling mechanisms.)


yes, trying to remember from the top of my head, but I think on env you should be able to find a ::pcp/node, which is planning node, that includes the op-name


also includes what specific parts are being looked at for that specific call, in the ::pcp/expects key in the node map, but you can also get the full one looking at the index using the op-name


Okay, that’s wonderful. I think I see it in here.


Yep, that did it. Thank you.

👍 2