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Hi everyone, I have a library and I wanna configure clj-kondo on library level so all library consumers will not need to add that configuration into their projects. What I do is ns-level config in library

{:clj-kondo/config '{:lint-as {...}}}
but when this library is used in another project, this config is ignored so I have to copy that into that project config.


Hey @U4BEW7F61 - that config only applies to the code being linted there. If you want to export configuration you can do that like this:


If you have a more concrete example of what your project / config looks like, that will help guide you further


thanks @U04V15CAJ, documentation you mentioned completely covers my case

Sam Ritchie18:01:29

odd… in, when I run

clj-kondo --lint src
I see
src/mafs/debug.cljs:6:22: warning: Unresolved var:
src/mafs/line.cljs:14:14: warning: Unresolved var:
src/mafs/plot.cljs:16:10: warning: Unresolved var:
linting took 40ms, errors: 0, warnings: 3
but when I run on the specific file:
clj-kondo --lint src/mafs/debug.cljs
I see
linting took 13ms, errors: 0, warnings: 0


maybe a hook issue?


yes, it seems so, if I pull the var reference outside of defcomponent it works:


(defcomponent TransformWidget
  (.-TransformWidget m/Debug))


so you likely have to restore some metadata on some node

👍 2
Sam Ritchie19:01:13

okay, I’ll check it out!

Noah Bogart18:01:46

Linter idea: in test/is, if the assertion is a list and the function is = and there are two entries and one of the entries is a data literal, make sure it's in the first position. aka (is (= 4 (+ 2 2)) "this is good") vs (is (= (+ 2 2) 4) "this is bad") . maybe allow customization in the linter to say whether to put the literal first or second?


Worth a shot :)


It’s probably been brought up a bunch of times. But is there some concept of “fixing” certain linting mistakes? example: we have some discoruaged vars config like:

:discouraged-vars {my.thing/plus {:message "use instead of my.thing/plus"}
It would be kinda cool to be able to put in, idk. A default value or even a rewrite-clj function/hook that could be run to “solve” certain linter issues. Is there somwehre I can learn more about this imaginary mechanism if it exists, and/or the reasons behind not offering it?


The fixing can be done by taking the linter output programmatically, taking those locations with you and then write some rewrite-clj code. The same approach is taken in e.g. carve and clojure-lsp


Thanks, makes a lot of sense


And these scripts can be written in babashka and hooked up to your elisp whatever editor functions (or joyride)


this would make a slick blog post