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A collegeue of mine cannot see the diff for failing tests. The orange dot is simply not shown next to the code. What can the issue be?
@U0567Q30W any hints for this issue? 🙂
Thanks @U2FQAF90R, seems this is the thread: Haven't had time to look it through yet with my colleque
Yes, I was going to add some debug logging, but Empperi then wasn’t working on that project any more. I’ll check whether I got around to adding it, and perhaps @U052XLL3A’s co-worker could test it out.
I see the markers in versions 1.12.1 - 1.12.3, but no longer in 1.12.4 and above. My main environment is IntelliJ Ultimate 2023.1.5 with Cursive 1.13.0, but also reproduced in IntelliJ 2021.3.3 with Cursive 1.12.4 and above. I'm on Windows. For my colleague on Linux it works with the latest version. I created the below issue for it, but haven't heard anything back for a couple of months.
@U05Q6BCP6DV Thanks, I’ll take a look at the changes in that release and see what I can see that might be related.
Thanks Colin! Downloaded EAP-8 and the test markers are back! I'm so grateful, this makes my life so much easier not having to switch back to IntelliJ 2021 every time I need to run my tests!! 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌 🙏 🙌
No problem Anders, I’m just sorry this took so long to fix. I had to set up a Windows VM to test it which was surprisingly painful. But I’m really glad it works for you, that’s great news!
Yeah, supporting multiple platforms with a small team is grueling, there's so much knowledge you need to gather and it's constantly changing!
No doubt, and Clojure on Windows just seems to have so many options - it’s a bit like CLJS in that respect. Anyway, I have the testing setup done now, so hopefully repro’ing Windows issues will be easier now.
sometimes when using Add import autofix in my code the namespace declaration structure is updated by Cursive:
(ns user
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.pprint :refer (pprint)]
[clojure.repl :as repl]
[clojure.test :as test]
(ns user
[clj-http.client :as http]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]
I’d rather it didn’t do that. How?
Also I see there’s support for single space ident, but does that correctly handle if
macros and such… it seems not…That’s, which is fixed for the next build.
in my testing it works like this:
(if a
but if you break before first argument it does single space for the condition and 2 for clauses:
also something like or
does single space where I would expect 2:
This is mostly an issue where other members of the team use the typical single space solution where things have single space ident and some macros have 2 space ident, and I keep breaking this formatting. Also for import, I’d prefer that the existing formatting wasn’t changed when imports are our files we have a mix of different require statement formats:
(:require [....
I just don’t like it when it reformats the thing (and introduces many lines of git changes)