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How do I provide a GraphQL argument like this one?

issues(states: OPEN) {

An issue that is still open

Björn Ebbinghaus12:02:17

It should be:

{(:issues {:states "OPEN"})
But yes. The pathom3 docs doesn't show GraphQL parameters.

Björn Ebbinghaus12:02:43

Hm… Or is "OPEN" some sort of Enum Value… In this case… I don't know. Maybe as a keyword? :OPEN


Tried both of those and it complains that the filter argument isn't an IssueState!.


"clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Resolver github/organization-ident-entry-resolver exception at path []: GraphQL Error: Argument 'states' on Field 'issues' has an invalid value (\"OPEN\"). Expected type '[IssueState!]'. at path [\"query\" \"organization\" \"repositories\" \"edges\" \"node\" \"issues\" \"states\"] #:com.wsscode.pathom3.path{:path []}"
It looks like it encodes both "OPEN" and :OPEN as "OPEN" in the request it sends anyhow.

Björn Ebbinghaus13:02:58

"IssueState.OPEN"? :IssueState/OPEN?


No luck on any of those.


The IssueConnection can take a few different arguments. Among them:

states: [IssueState!]

A list of states to filter the issues by.

labels: [String!]

A list of label names to filter the pull requests by.
So there's a difference in arg type and it looks like our guesses for the notation are not correct.


Pathom Viz didn't really offer any hints on this point either, and IssueState wasn't discoverable in the Explorer.

Björn Ebbinghaus14:02:57

Hm... The't even query for enum values. Maybe there is simply no enum support in Pathom yet? @U066U8JQJ should know. 🙂


I think that's likely it. This stuff is fairly new so I'm just flagging any issues I run into 🙂 don't mind me!

Björn Ebbinghaus14:02:30

But even if it doesn't query for the enum values... Pathom should know the IssueState type..


in the enum case you should use a symbol


as (:issues {:state OPEN}

🙏 1

hahaha yet again it's always simpler than my first ten guesses


TY, that does indeed work.

🙏 1