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Have you noticed them using the slurp-and-barf-lite functionality, i.e. have you seen them inserting and deleting parens in the middle of lines, or is the indent/dedent the main benefit for them?
@cfleming: i think that aspect of parinfer took longer for them to internalize since the behavior is more subtle. a woman in my class was trying to make an input tag in hiccup but she closed the attr map too early so it looked like this: [:input {:type “text”} :name “message”]
she was initially confused when she couldn’t simply write the end curly brace after ”message”
but since then I’ve seen her inserting and deleting correctly
i have never explicitly told them the editing rules because i wanted to see if they could figure them out on their own, and so far it seems they are
@sekao: cool, how much longer will they be using it? was it just for the week?
We have another week of clojure. I'm thinking about switching to cursive so we can use the debugger, they do miss that since we used it so much with java
One thing that may help people visualize scope is to color the entire background of a given s expression rather than just the delimiters like rainbow parens does. I wonder if any editor does that
funny, that was @denik's first reaction to seeing lisp
dont know of any editor that does it
i think it might be overwhelming to nested rainbow boxes
unless their borders were collapsed
maybe rather then nested rainbow boxes, the current scope could have a background hue, while the outside scope could use standard rainbow parnes
that way you can see the scope you are working it very clearly, without being overwhelmed with colored boxes everywhere
or even just have a colored rectangular outline rather then a filled in rect
@adamkowalski: great idea, i’m going to experiment with that in my paren-soup project
ha! @shaunlebron @sekao I think it would be worthwhile. I’d like a keyboard combination that I have to hold to preview scope - nothing permanent.
I feel like sublime text used to outline the current expression you were in automatically
another thing that I thought was a really interesting idea is what is shown here at 14:45
The idea is context coloring rather than syntax coloring, and the claim is that professional programers don’t benefit from highlighting syntax as they know what it means. instead the color of the text should signify within what scope is it valid