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good question @josh.freckleton. There are libraries to do that sort of thing but here's an approach you might find useful:
basically it's a mashup of how reagent typically does input updating and dispatching via re-frame.
(defn password-valid? [password-str] (> (count password-str) 5))
(defn email-valid? [email-str] (and email-str (re-matches #".*@.*" email-str)))
(defn validate [{:keys [password email] :as login-form}]
(boolean (and (email-valid? email)
(password-valid? password))))
(defn fake-login-view []
(let [loading? (subscribe [:loading?])
login-form (subscribe [:login-form])
email (reaction (:email @login-form))
password (reaction (:password @login-form))]
(fn []
[:form#login-form {:class (str "ui large form" (when @loading? " loading"))
:on-submit (fn [e] (.preventDefault e))}
[:input {:type "text"
:name "email"
:placeholder "Email"
:value @email
:on-change #(dispatch [:update-login-form
(-> % .-target .-value)])}]
[:input {:type "password"
:name "password"
:placeholder "Password"
:value @password
:on-change #(dispatch [:update-login-form
(-> % .-target .-value)])}]
{:on-click #(when (validate @login-form)
(dispatch [:login-request]))}
Then, here're the subscriptions:
(fn [db]
(reaction (:signup-form @db))))
(fn [db]
(reaction (:signup-form @db))))
and finally the update handler:
(fn [db [_ field value]]
(assoc-in db [:signup-form field] value)))
Hi, I have this component structure, I’m trying to figure out why when prop1
changes, although two
gets the updated prop, one
doesn’t, even though it is being re-run but with the same initial value of prop1
every time.
(defn one [prop1]
[:div prop1])
(defn two [prop1]
[one prop1])
(defn three []
(let [prop1 (subscribe [:get-prop-one])
(fn []
[two @prop1])]))
Is there a best-practice for naming subscriptions/handlers as the app grows larger? Looking at - would i be naming handlers something like
? That's my first inclination, anyway, but if there's something more "oh, everyone just does it like this", I'd be curious to hear it. Thanks!
@hoopes: I’m new to re-frame but have started naming my subs/handlers namespaced like this :users/delete
(since clojure uses /
for accessing namespaced functions rather than .
). Also for subs i’v settled on :users/all
, :users/?id
(gets a user by id), :users/?ids
(gets multiple users by id), :feature/?user-id
(you get the drift). I don’t know if there’s a common approach
@afhammad: is it all the code? i reproduced your example here - approximately and it seems to work just fine
@nidu: Its not all the code, I just tried to simplify it for demo. Thanks for the fiddle, it must be something in my code, i’ll tinker a bit more and see
@afhammad: if components one
or two
return fn
instead of hiccup don't forget that parameters in component should match params of returned fn
. That's often the case for me.
@nidu: not sure i got that. are you saying the factory fn and the fn it returns need to accepts the same params?
in my case both one and three return a fn
but neither take any params, only parent defn
accept params
ok just found that in these docs ( thanks @nidu