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@lilymgoh: This might be off, but are you using boot
in a folder with a build.boot
What version of Java are you running?
So far the same as my setup...
I just tried uninstalling it from homebrew, blowing away my m2 and .boot directory, and reinstalling it. So far it works.
Instead of installing it through homebrew, have you tried the manual install method?
I don’t think so, but the obvious suspects are innocent here
Jarusvasunt@LilyJ ~> brew uninstall boot-clj
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/boot-clj/2.5.2... (2 files, 6.6K)
Jarusvasunt@LilyJ ~> sudo bash -c "cd /usr/local/bin && curl -fsSLo boot && chmod 755 boot"
Jarusvasunt@LilyJ ~> boot
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Unable to resolve symbol: in this context
data: {:file
:line 0}
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: in this context
boot.main/-main/fn main.clj: 192
boot.main/-main main.clj: 192
boot.App.runBoot 390
boot.App.main 467
Boot.main 258
Jarusvasunt@LilyJ ~ [1]>
I’m on 11.3. I’m going to update and see if that is the problem
Welp, still works with 11.4 on my box
I have a couple of feedback points about boot I have configured my profile.boot with this
(let [creds-file (File. (boot.App/bootdir) "credentials.gpg")
creds-data (gpg-decrypt creds-file :as :edn)]
(fn [{:keys [url] :as repo-map}]
(merge repo-map (creds-data url)))))
as per, it gets called everytime I use boot, which is a bit of a pain for me because it involves me unlocking my gpg private key each time - whereas with lein it was only when I was actually deploying to clojars (and not the rest of the time, like when I'm offline)
The other feedback point is that I've ended up with
(push :file "target/mylib-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar")
It seems there should be a way of 'deriving' the target file without hardcoding the project name and version - it feels redundant to me - is there a better way?
This helped me a lot:
It would be somewhat nicer in boot if the repo-map could be lazy, such that the credentials were only sought once it a repo has been determined
WARNING: Unknown compiler option ':warning-handlers’
[adzerk/boot-cljs "1.7.228-1" :scope "test”]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.8.34"]
boot-cljs warning on use clojurescript 1.8@isaac: Bug in clojurescript, will be fixed in next release
The warning doesn't cause problems, you can use it if you want. If you don't want to see the warning keep using 1.7.
Boot-cljs should be mostly version agnostic nowadays, I will probably change the version scheme in future.
@juhoteperi: thanks
It would be nice if boot supported the automatic lookup of gpg credentials from a user's $HOME/.boot directory - I've had to jump through quite a few hoops to get something that is optimal. Do you think there would be much appetite for this if I created a PR?
Not sure what is the opinion making it more automatic, if I recall correctly it was decided to leave to use to select where to load the creds from
I have a problem with the current implementation, the GPG decrypt is called each time I open boot
which means I would need to have yubikey always attached
Yes, those are the instructions I followed. I think the decrypt on every run aspect of configure-repositories!
in that wiki is a little severe though - and there should be a sensible default that works for most users
Lein only calls decrypt when it needs creds, i.e. when doing deploy
Yes, I have the very same problem! I have a yubikey on my keyring, and I don't want to keep it plugged in for normal 'offline' development, I only want to plug it in when i do crypto, and take it out when I'm done
for what it's worth, he's what I'm doing in my profile.boot
;; Get credentials from a GPG encrypted file.
(defn decrypt-creds [url]
(let [creds-file ( (boot.App/bootdir) "credentials.gpg")
creds-data (boot.core/gpg-decrypt creds-file :as :edn)]
(some #(when (re-seq (first %) url) (second %)) creds-data)))
(defn repo-map [repo]
(case repo
"clojars" (let [url " "]
(merge {:url url}
(decrypt-creds url)))
(throw (ex-info "Unknown repo" {:repo repo}))))
Then I call (repo-map "clojars") in my deploy task - e.g.
(push :repo-map (repo-map "clojars"))
obviously that's suboptimal because it requires someone's got the same set up as me in their profile.boot
I have just decrypted the creds file
The decrypt-creds
is more complex because I put regexes in my credentials.gpg
But there's nothing in my profile.boot that couldn't reasonably go into boot.core, imho
as a 'reasonable' default, you should always have the option of providing your own logic in profile.boot, but it should be for escaping the defaults, not simply trying to follow the happy path
and gpg encryption of creds should arguably be the default - because security
I think before we try to decide the reasonable defaults we should create a way to decrypt deploy creds only when needed
maybe something like configure-deploy-repositories!
Yeah GPG encryption is reasonable default, but I'm not sure how important it is for people who already have encrypted disk
I agree. By the way, that's what my repo-map function is for - it's lazy in that I only call it when it's needed. It's not a great solution but something that is lazy in boot would be good
An encrypted disk offers no protection at all if your computer is on
Mine usually is!
Should be quite hard to access the files if computer is locked
or suspended
And since lein has already established this as a common practice, there's lots of resources out there about how to set it up.
I still wouldn't put all my passwords in a clear-text file - I'm happy that they're in credentials.gpg - and if I accidentally copy that file somewhere I don't have to worry about it ending up at github
And my hard disk is encrypted
But anyway, something should be done to improve the overall experience of setting up a project to push a simple library to clojars - it took me a lot longer than I had expected
Issue describing the problems should be a good start
Or maybe two issues
1. decrypt deploy creds only when needed, 2. better overall experience
@micha: I think the current "2.6.0-SNAPSHOT" development model is quite confusing, especially if the branch is rebased against master. I think it would be better to have default branch (master or develop) which would have the most up-to-date code and PR's would be merged into this. If we need to make bugfix releases to current minor version, we could have separate branches for that.
@juhoteperi the 2.6 branch isn't rebased...what is confusing there?
PR's are made against master branch but some include 2.6 commits
so the diff is a mess
Sure, PR's could be made against different branch, but it should be documented at least
And I think it would most obvious that the default branch is where development for next release happens, and that is the target for PRs
ok yeah if you want to merge the 2.6 branch and use the method you described going forward i think that would be good
Ok, I'll do that. There is one or two simple PRs I would like to merge also.
For some reason e.g. is still a mess
I think maybe 2.6.0 branch was rebased since that was created?
Hmm, yeah all the commits have same sha
Manual merge worked as expected
I think this should be safe to merge also:
I think that should take care of trivial PRs. I think several others are fine also (tests, filter by metadata/properties, compile path)
Not sure about option docstring formatting.
I think the current format looks a bit better, maybe better fix for cases where it doesn't fit would be to allow completely skipping formatting?
^:raw "This option is not formatted"
... except strings can't have metadata 😞
i think it would have been better maybe to have designed that part to accept c style % directives
Yeah something like that.
^ any ideas how easy it would be to read properties files in Bash? Maybe just using source
as properties files should be valid shell scripts?
windows has separate wrapper anyways?
Probably it would be best to grab just those two specific keys from the file, so other variables are not accidentally set
What are the maven vars? LOCAL_REPO?
if you use a profile type task you end up fetching deps in two separate calls to set-env!
Some git
guru here maybe can tell me how I can create a patch that differs from master, from a certain commit to another
the only think I can do, is to go to master
and cherry pick merge my commits
which I guess is fine too
Shouldn't be needed
I just pushed the exactly same branch to github and diff is okay:
oh let me try, without rebasing?
No rebase needed, history is the same. GitHub is just confused for some reason.
Yeah, that fixed it.
so I will work on the thread issue, because if you have 1000 tests at the moment you also create 1000 threads
then you can merge ok?
now I rebased and everything is ok
a question for @micha, future
uses a
Do you think we should bound the number of threads? The tests are kind of short-lived
I don't have enough experience in profiling this to take a decision
the other option is to have the classic bounded pool like clojure actors' pooledExecutor
Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2 + Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(),
createThreadFactory("clojure-agent-send-pool-%d", sendThreadPoolCounter));
yes I was thinking about that
yes then I need to replace it for future
or abandon future
let me check
I could replace future with agent, which is more configurable
using send
actually I don't need to do anything else
actually I do if I want it to be configurable, but for now I will just make it bounded
bounded? lol don't know if it's correct English
I have a weird error with the new version:
Assert failed: env :directories must be a set
(set? new)
mmm no that I am aware of
ops sorry the (get-env :directories)
returns nil
and the input is a string, so conj
creates probably a list
the interesting question is why (get-env :directories)
is nil
will try
reverting g revert b55f444 -m 1
ok then, if you want to do it cleanly I guess @juhoteperi can rebase or something
that's good that we introduce testing 😉
ok then
will push that on my branch
@richiardiandrea: I'll push it to master, better than to include in non related branch
I thought I ran Saapas using that change but maybe it just didn't trigger the problem
Or maybe I forgot to build Boot after changes
yeah the make install
part is tricky, many times I forget that as well
i ran into problems working on a local snapshot version when there is a snapshot deployed to clojars
the pool is not a good solution for boot in boot I reckon, for some reason I my threads are locked, maybe batching is easier to implement for now
this warning for task redefinition is bothering me, can I ask you guys what was the concern when you introduced it?
in boot in boot (and therefore parallel testing) of course tasks will always be redefined and it might make sense to disable it
i like it because it can highlight issues between profile.boot/build.boot
but i also would support an env var disabling it
I was more thinking of util/*verbosity*
but an env var is maybe a better idea
now you English speakers should help me with a name for this var 😄
i don't know what -v
does - is it hooked to a var?
i guess it must be, since some how util/info etc see it
it is hooked to util/*verbosity*
it seems
yes it is
maybe level 1 should print the task redef warnings?
with boot in boot you should have a fresh new boot.user namespace each time, so you shouldn't be seeing those warnings
we start with level 1, and up, so maybe we don't print it by default (level 1) and we start printing it from level 2 (`-v`) ?
it happens because we pass by -main
I think:
clojure.core/require core.clj: 5832
clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke 421
boot.user/eval108 boot.user852375673052143229.clj: 15
clojure.lang.Compiler.eval 6782
clojure.lang.Compiler.load 7227
clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile 7165
clojure.lang.RT$3.invoke 319
boot.main/-main/fn main.clj: 201
boot.main/-main main.clj: 201
ok will try to follow the chain
well the exception already gives me some hint:
clojure.core/require core.clj: 5832
clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke 421
boot.user/eval108 boot.user538939168026557179.clj: 15
clojure.lang.Compiler.eval 6782
clojure.lang.Compiler.load 7227
clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile 7165
clojure.lang.RT$3.invoke 319
boot.main/-main/fn main.clj: 201
boot.main/-main main.clj: 201
clojure.lang.Var.invoke 394
org.projectodd.shimdandy.impl.ClojureRuntimeShimImpl.invoke 159
org.projectodd.shimdandy.impl.ClojureRuntimeShimImpl.invoke 150
boot.App.runBoot 399
maybe, the thing is, the core
pod always calls boot.main/-main
in boot in boot:
and this triggers the require
so it should be a brand new boot.main/-main, a different one than the ones that ran before
runboot is called here:
for each command I have a runboot call
if each runboot creates a separate pod and no bugs, you are right, there should not be any warning