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Ela Nazari12:11:40

Hi guys, We at are building a tool to measure development team productivity & to bring team leads, CTOs and IT managers better overview over what's happening in their teams. Is there anyone here who would want to try it for about 30 minutes and give us feedback on the prototype?


Perhaps approach Dan North for a review:

Ela Nazari12:11:32

Thank you @U9E8C7QRJ I will reach out to him too


Sure thing!


@U02QUS90PQQ I would be happy to give feedback on the tool. I'll be available next week, London UK timezone. Feel free to DM me here on slack


Reddit is crazy, I posted on r/clojure today and the post got duplicated for some reason, deleted one of them but the duplicate keeps coming back. I also see the post right next to mine also got duplicated.

Howon Lee23:11:32

their actual problem is on the DB front. whole thing was EAV for decades, and the migration off is still basically partial

Howon Lee23:11:51

I mean, EAV is part of a possible tradeoff for flexibility vs. speed

Howon Lee23:11:28

but, you know, they had 60 million dau's before the great purge of 3rd party apps, so speed might've been an itty bitty tiny valid concern