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Anyone already taken a look at Any observations?


According to the documentation, OpenObserve has some OpenTelemetry support, which I think is a good feature for observability products targeting cloud-native software. I wonder if OpenObserve have considered getting added to the on

👍 1

I am using it with mulog right now for testing and it has an elastic compatible api so i can reuse the publisher for that. openobserve has all built in and is therefore much easier to run and seems cheaper due to the file-based storage


I mainly want to know if there are any obvious obstacles anyone discovered. to me it looks good so far.


Looks great on paper, need to try it out


@U4GEXTNGZ I had this bookmarked :-) any experience since you found it? have you had the chance to try it out?


not really, was feeding in some test data not more


Thanks! I still have it on my todo to try it out in... January 😢 will report back if I have the chance to test it in prod-like environment

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I'm going down this path of checking out OpenObserve for us with mulog too. So far so good. One has to set the :els-version :v7.x and the :http-opts {:basic-auth [user pass]} vals in the publisher config, other wise mulog will try to autodetect the elasticsearch version which doesn't work, and of course the auth is required.

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That's great to hear... this will soon be my duty to start working with openobserve 👍


We're considering migrating from sentry to openobserve because we basically just need error logging and self-hosted sentry has gotten too operationally complex to sustain

👍 1

I'm going down this path of checking out OpenObserve for us with mulog too. So far so good. One has to set the :els-version :v7.x and the :http-opts {:basic-auth [user pass]} vals in the publisher config, other wise mulog will try to autodetect the elasticsearch version which doesn't work, and of course the auth is required.

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