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So I have this local DB, and I'm using :ssl true :sslcert, etc. in my db-spec. And when I connect to it with jdbc/get-connection, it works fine. I can send queries, etc. But I can't seem to get it working with a connection pool. It would complain that: "password authentication failed for user". What I am doing wrong?

Cam Saul04:11:47

c3p0 or hikari?


Both not working, with similar messages. c3p0 churns for a bit (like almost a minute) and then spits out: 'The server requested SCRAM-based authentication, but no password was provided', hikari fails faster

Cam Saul04:11:19

Try seeing if you can get a connection with java.sql.DriverManager . That will probably pinpoint your issue

Cam Saul04:11:18

If you don't want to debug that way you could reify a DataSource and have its implementation of getConnection call whatever you're using that's working and return that. With c3p0 you can create a PooledDataSource from a normal unpooled one

Cam Saul04:11:57

Been a while since I used Hikari but I think you can do the same thing there

Cam Saul04:11:44

Take a look at how I did it here for example. This lib is like a million years old but maybe it can point you in the right direction


@U0G75ARHC What exactly is HikariCP failing with? Did you change :user to :username per the docs?


The problem might be specific to CockroachDB. It has default root user. The root account has no password and is required to present a cert on SQL. That works with single connections, but seems to be problematic for connection pooling.


You probably need to provide those options differently. When you pass a db-spec in to HikariCP, it will only use the properties it knows about I suspect, but there is a datasource properties option that lets you pass additional properties directly through to the underlying JDBC driver I think...?


Are you using next.jdbc.connection/->pool for this? Did you read this part of the docs: If you need to pass in connection URL parameters, it can be easier to use next.jdbc.connection/jdbc-url to construct URL, e.g.,

(->pool HikariDataSource {:jdbcUrl (jdbc-url {:dbtype .. :dbname .. :useSSL false}) :username .. :password ..})


In addition, read carefully for what the db-spec can contain for HikariCP (and it talks about the datasource properties in that section too).


Yes, I'm experimenting with the ->pool fn. I'll keep trying. Thank you. And I'll try jdbc-url as well. I'll post an update once I figure this out.


Part of the issue is the mismatch between what HikariCP accepts as properties and what JDBC drivers at large accept. At work, we specify :maxLifetime and :maximumPoolSize which are HikariCP-specific, for example.


the brownfield codebase I'm digging through uses c3p0 (the person who wrote the code no longer available), I probably will try to make it work with that. I'm gonna need to find some compelling reasons to suggest a switch to HikariCP.


maybe I won't have to. It should work with either.


One "gotcha" is c3p0 uses user (as does JDBC) but HikariCP uses username.


(we used to use c3p0 and switched to HikariCP)


Yay... it finally worked. I needed jdbc-url:

(with-open [ds (connection/->pool
                  {:jdbcUrl (connection/jdbc-url db-spec)})]


Gosh, I just needed to read the docs, paying a bit more attention.


Glad the docs are good 🙂