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Apologies if I’m not getting the terminology right here (I’m new to this), but does anybody know how (assuming there is a “how”) to reset the context in a CIDER nREPL session? for example, I’ve defined some vars previously in my buffer and did C-c C-k. After removing the defs, and doing C-c C-k again, I’m expecting the vars to no longer be there. But they still are.


cider-ns-refresh, but in general look up "reloaded workflow"


(ns-unmap) if you want to surgically undef stuff


We have cider-undef-all as well You can mix and match approaches (see above) depending on your preferences :)


I usually eval buffer using C-u C-c C-k, which first undef all vars.


thank you everybody! @U797MAJ8M I assume you mean like a search engine lookup? using the search box at doesnt really give me anything @U01320BR6US thank you. I’m not seeing this at Is this documented somewhere else?


Yes, if you check the doc in emacs (`C-h k C-c C-k`):

C-c C-k runs the command cider-load-buffer (found in cider-mode-map),
which is an interactive native-compiled Lisp function in

It is bound to C-c C-k.

(cider-load-buffer &optional BUFFER CALLBACK UNDEF-ALL)

Load (eval) BUFFER’s file in nREPL.
If no buffer is provided the command acts on the current buffer.  If the
buffer is for a cljc file, and both a Clojure and ClojureScript REPL exists
for the project, it is evaluated in both REPLs.
Optional argument CALLBACK will override the default ‘cider-load-file-handler’.
When UNDEF-ALL is non-nil or called with C-u, removes
all ns aliases and var mappings from the namespace before reloading it.


I see. Got it; thank you!


I've use cider-undef very successfully to remove a specific var (a def or defn), usually before renaming a test or function name. If you have deftype, defrecord then they can be harder to manage Using should remove all def and defn vars

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Curious, does sesman-restart work for y'all on a cider-connect ed repl? I've never used it much tbh, so I can't make a complete asessment. I've seen it working on cider-jack-in sessions, but not cider-connect ones (which ironically sounds like an easier use case)


Clarification, I mean restart after the server was shut down and started again over the same port


oh I'm now making sense of things... duckie Servers often restart over a new random port, so sesman-restart cannot magically know about it. It may be worthwhile to prompt for ports if the current one can't be connected to. But there's the alternative of cider-connect ing again and reuse the dead repl. 🌀

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