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Interesting, I never thought about where whitespaces / tabs will be put to in a sort algorithm
Is there any information channel where we can get a heads up for new apropos live streams? They appear at random times on Youtube for me, after the fact. There used to be a Twitter account, but that's not active anymore? cc @mfikes @raymcdermott @ericnormand
#livestream ?
(although I don't think anyone has posted there in many, many months)
Oh, you meant the Apropos podcast? Not live streaming in general...
Ah... I'm subscribed to that. They just did a new ep today... I thought they used to announce them in #news-and-articles or #events ?
Not sure how it compares, but also has "a minimal query language"
nowadays I use * babashka for munging * jet for pretty print * bat for syntax highlighting
Hey @borkdude they are not broadcast live anymore.
Google used to have easy tools to do that, and we've spent the last year trying out different ways to do it live.
I run a script daily to keep my brew packages up-to-date. I must have become immune to its output. Like out of sight, out of mind
What happens for other stuff you've installed via a tap? Clojure itself is now also in a tap
That must be it. ytop doesn't show up either
Script started on Thu Jul 2 09:20:32 2020
(B[m[[34mtvaughan[37m@[36mPatagonica(B[m:[34m[1m~/.dotfiles(B[m][32m (master *%=)(B[m
$ cat Brewfile
tap 'borkdude/brew'
tap 'cjbassi/ytop'
tap 'homebrew/bundle'
tap 'homebrew/cask'
tap 'homebrew/cask-fonts'
tap 'homebrew/core'
tap 'homebrew/services'
brew 'babashka'
brew 'bash'
brew 'bash-completion@2'
brew 'convox'
brew 'coreutils'
brew 'curl'
brew 'diff-so-fancy'
brew 'direnv'
brew 'docker-completion'
brew 'findutils'
brew 'gawk'
brew 'git'
brew 'git-lfs'
brew 'gitlab-runner'
brew 'gnu-sed'
brew 'gnu-tar'
brew 'hunspell'
brew 'isync'
brew 'jet'
brew 'jq'
brew 'make'
brew 'mitmproxy'
brew 'mu'
brew 'openssh'
brew 'openssl'
brew 'pandoc'
brew 'pass'
brew 'pinentry-mac'
brew 'pyenv-virtualenvwrapper'
brew 'python'
brew 'ripgrep'
brew 'rsync'
brew 'shellcheck'
brew 'shfmt'
brew 'sqlite'
brew 'tmux'
brew 'vagrant-completion'
brew 'xz'
brew 'ytop'
cask 'chromium'
cask 'docker'
cask 'emacs'
cask 'firefox'
cask 'font-terminessttf-nerd-font'
cask 'google-earth-pro'
cask 'iina'
cask 'keybase'
cask 'multipass'
cask 'podman'
cask 'signal'
cask 'transmission'
cask 'vagrant'
cask 'virtualbox'
(B[m[[34mtvaughan[37m@[36mPatagonica(B[m:[34m[1m~/.dotfiles(B[m][32m (master *%=)(B[m
$ brew leaves | sort
(B[m[[34mtvaughan[37m@[36mPatagonica(B[m:[34m[1m~/.dotfiles(B[m][32m (master *%=)(B[m
$ exit
Script done on Thu Jul 2 09:20:47 2020
So we kind of just gave up for now
And we record and upload them
@ericnormand ok, got it
I was looking at StreamYard as a possible way for live streaming/recording but haven't actually tried it yet.
@UPGJNT3UY Not in the version of QT that runs on my eight year old Mac that is still running 10.12 ๐
I plan to do one later today since I'm on vacation for a few days.
The three screencasts I made so far were so painful. QuickTime recording, then exporting at 1080 then uploading to YouTube etc... ugh!
And Twitch also seems a bit of a pain, since you need OBS or something...
I may have to get streamyard
The issue is you need to stream and have a video chat
I'm not sure why they switched from zoom but they don't use it anymore at their company
It was not great
But it did stream
Thanks for the information, this is actually safer for me as to not type in stupid comments during the show ๐
We want to get something working but we got tired of trying
Google Hangouts was so easy
I'm kinda shocked that YouTube Live and Facebook Live (or whatever they are) don't support screen sharing...
(we have Zoom at work but I don't know whether you can record and publish from it?)
there are pretty easy ways to do this now through other tools. I've been playing a fair bit with Ecamm Live lately (mac only), but OBS is similar
they can both bring in skype or zoom as virtual camera and then stream out to yt or fb
you can record zoom and get a movie to publish too if you don't care about streaming
I've been thinking about doing something with it re clojure
or maybe I will be lazy and not :)
Yeah, I want to publish more screencasts to YouTube since the number of subscribers keeps going up even tho' I haven't published anything for months...
I've been directing 3 people/week on avg to your channel for months now, for the deps.edn setup, the Atom-Chlorine setup (love the inline results), and the core-memoize bug fix (to demo RDD). The last one in particular is really nice, because you literally wrap the repro in parens to make it a test case.ย People (incl me) find it really nice that we can do that with Clojure.
My friends have been learning Clojure, and I don't want them to care about what nREPL is at this point (minimising cognitive burden), so the editor has to work only with socket REPL. Similarly, deps.edn is a much simpler tool than leiningen/boot.
@U883WCP5Z Good to know. Thank you. I do plan to do more. The next one will be looking at the usermanager-example and showing how you can start/run a server process within the REPL and modify handlers and other code live without needing any stop/start/reload stuff.
I'm on vacation Mon/Tue/Wed (because it's my birthday on Tuesday) so I may try StreamYard to do screencasts. I don't know how the resolution will be.
I was thwarted by technology today in several ways. I may try to find time tomorrow or Wednesday...
I know that feeling ๐.
I believe discord is another good option, but I haven't used it myself:
We tried obs. The issue was running it and zoom on the same machine
Lots of artifacts of compression and bandwidth
yeah, I've heard that. ecamm seems better I think in that respect? assuming you're on a mac
depends on your machine of course
I had two machines going, even
one with my camera and another just connecting to pick up the video and stream it
wasn't great
the best, of course, is having the zoom servers stream it to youtube
I've been experimenting with a lot of options for virtual conference stuff lately :)
streamyard seems good
I gave a talk at a virtual meetup that used it
I don't know if they do 4-way chats, though