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I don’t know if there’s a better channel for this sort of thing, but: for the past few months, I’ve been working on making Sublime Text a viable alternative for REPL-driven Clojure development. I’d like to release the first version of my package soonish, but it would be great to have one or two people give it a go before that to weed out the worst bugs. If you’re interested, please DM me for details. Some screenshots and information about features in thread.

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A partial list of features: • Interact with nREPL servers (Clojure, ClojureScript via Piggieback, Babashka) • REPL-powered symbol lookup (docstring, arglists) • REPL-powered goto definition • REPL-powered completion suggestions • Auto-indentation on newline, indentation on request • The buggiest Paredit implementation you’ll see (but it’s Clojure-oriented) Lookup, goto definition, and completions require nREPL 0.8, which is currently in alpha.

Timur Latypoff12:07:45

This sounds great! I was trying to set up Sublime Text (love its speed) to work with Clojure recently by installing multiple plugins, and found the setup pretty fragile so far.


Yeah, Tutkain (the package I’m working on) aims to provide a bespoke Clojure experience for Sublime Text. Basically, everything you need to make mayonnaise (see I have to go feed my kid now, but if you want to try out the thing I’ve been working on, I can write up some instructions for you later when I get the chance. Or you can clone this repo into your Sublime Text packages directory and give it a whirl. Run the Tutkain: Edit Key Bindings command via the Command Palette to check out the little documentation I’ve had time to write so far.

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Tutkain currently doesn’t know how to start an nREPL server, so you have to start one yourself and connect to it from Tutkain. For example:

clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl {:mvn/version "0.8.0-SNAPSHOT"}}}' -m nrepl.cmdline --port 1234
Or with Leiningen:
lein repl :headless :port 1234
Then run the Tutkain: Connect command.

salam02:07:42 might be interested in this and give you quality feedback.


@UDCGPTV9R thanks for the suggestion! I reached out to him, but it turns out he’s not doing much Clojure at the moment.


Is Docker on Windows drastically different from Docker on macOS when it comes to virtualization and performance?


In my anecdotal experience, no. Perhaps with large source trees you might see differences with syncing changes between host mounted volumes, especially if you're using a file watcher inside the running container


If you're starting from scratch, I recommend looking at and instead of Docker™. It's not quite to the point of "install and run" on Windows or macOS yet, but minimizing the client/server architecture of Docker does make a difference with build times and process management


An example of using Docker to build, test, and publish a Clojure app:


Is that related somehow to Windows, or just showing something cool?


I just mean to illustrate my point of reference. My comments are based on my experience of using Docker to do something like this


very cool, thanks


podman only runs on linux AFAIK. so it’s only possible to use podman as client to a remote linux machine.


podman also has a network protocol. On Windows and macOS a podman server can be run inside a multipass VM (mentioned above). It's a pain in the butt to setup, but when setup it performs much better, and eliminating the client/server in production is a big win

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