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Hi all, nice to meet you. I have some question about installing figwheel with pedestal and system map from component. My code looks like this.
(require '[ :as ns-repl])
(require '[figwheel-sidecar.system :as fw-system])
(require '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
(defonce dev-system (atom nil))
(defn init-figwheel []
(reset! dev-system
(assoc (app-system/init-dev-system (config))
:figwheel-system (fw-system/figwheel-system (fw-system/fetch-config))
:css-watcher (fw-system/css-watcher {:watch-paths ["resources/public/fe/css"]}))))
(defn cljs-repl []
(fw-system/cljs-repl (:figwheel-system @dev-system)))
(defn start []
(swap! dev-system component/start-system))
(defn go-cljs []
(defn stop []
(swap! dev-system component/stop-system))
(defn refresh
The problem are, everytime I changed the states, the UI refresh to initial page. The second problem when I invoked (refresh) it return error like
#error{:cause "camel-snake-kebab.internals.alter-name",
:via [{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException,
Thank you 🙂