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I'm curious to know what coffee grinders offer which interceptors do not. I don't see them as more general than interceptors, they appear to be interceptors.


an interceptor is a coffee grinder but not the other way around. Nothing of what I show in that blog post is an interceptor.


interceptors in particular have the enter/leave/error split, and the queue+stack, and a strong assumption that you're dealing with request->response (e.g. in Sieppari you can't just give it a context, you have to start from a request). So they're a specialized case that assumes you're doing http request handling. My point is that you can boil that down to its essence, and then do different things with it.


Sieppari seems to work with an arbitrary context. For example, the read me uses {:x 1}


I'm certain that pedestal also works with an arbitrary map too.


So the big difference would be the lack of pre post


{:x 1} is a request map, not a context map


The big difference is that one is a category of which the other is a member


I thought a request map was about ring, so I've misunderstood.


Hmm, so with sieppari, the reasoning is that it doesn't take the queue as part of the map it is initially given? It takes a M & a queue separately?


That does seem to be what sieppari does, yes


What I'm trying to clarify, what the distinction is here.


The distinction between what? I feel like you're asking me to explain to difference between rats and rodents, or between OO and Java


It's different from that. I understand the distinction between interceptors and sieppari. I don't understand the distinction between coffee grinders and interceptors. Coffee grinders are interceptors without enter/leave, and the API is focused on a context instead of a request?


Coffee grinders=rodents, interceptors=rats. One is a sub group of the other


Have a look at the first blog posts, there are some more examples there


Or look at the definition at the top of the post, and see if you can imagine something that adheres to that that is not interceptors


My main point is that instead of only using a few specific implementations for a few specific use cases people should be encouraged to see the general pattern, and how variations of it can be applied to many different use cases.


there is #interceptors , goal was to do a spec for interceptors, like there is the ring spec. Or, discuss the difference with pedestal and sieppari.


I kinda thought that interceptors was that word previously, really.