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@guswill Sure, here:
;; CLJ
(defn- extract-docstring
"Takes `args` as a parameter where the first item may or may not be a
docstring and returns tuple of `[docstring rest-args]`. In case there's
no docstring, returns [nil args]"
(if (string? (first args))
[(first args) (rest args)]
[nil args]))
(defmacro defstyle
"Macro to define a new style declaration. Style declations that are
defined with this macro can be later picked by `style-defs'
[sym & args]
(let [[doc [style]] (extract-docstring args)
m (cond-> {::style true}
doc (assoc :doc doc))]
`(def ~(with-meta sym m) ~style)))
(defmacro defclass
"Macro to define a new class that can be referred from ClojureScript code.
See also the CLJS variant (def-cljs namespace)"
[sym & args]
(let [[doc rules] (extract-docstring args)
style (vec (concat [(str "." (util/identifier *ns* sym))]
(if doc
`(defstyle ~sym ~doc ~style)
`(defstyle ~sym ~style))))
(defn- extract-docstring
"Takes `args` as a parameter where the first item may or may not be a
docstring and returns tuple of `[docstring rest-args]`. In case there's
no docstring, returns [nil args]"
(if (string? (first args))
[(first args) (rest args)]
[nil args]))
(defmacro defstyle
"Macro to define a new style declaration. The ClojureScript version
discards the style rules. Defines a new var with a style name."
[sym & args]
(let [[doc [_style]] (extract-docstring args)]
(if doc
`(def ~sym ~doc ~(util/identifier *ns* sym))
`(def ~sym ~(util/identifier *ns* sym)))))
(defmacro defclass
"Macro to define a new class. The ClojureScript version discards the
style rules. Defines a new var with a class name that can be refered
ClojureScript code.
See also the Clojure variant (def-clj namespace)"
[sym & args]
(let [[doc rules] (extract-docstring args)]
(if doc
`(defstyle ~sym ~doc ~rules)
`(defstyle ~sym ~rules))))
The util/identifier is a helper that build the namespaces class name. The ::style
metadata is there so that I can pick all the styles for the lein garden
build🎉 6