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Zac Bir12:10:28

Hey, all. Anyone found an optimal environment for cljs development on iOS wherein you can install third party libs?

Zac Bir12:10:32

Mostly I want a pocketable Quil environment to match my Pythonista environment. Preferably something that can integrate with git standalone (play.js perhaps?) or with Working Copy.

Zac Bir12:10:19

I’ve found Replete, but it doesn’t allow for installing third party libraries


@zbir For what its worth, we can pre-bundle popular libraries with Replete. For Quil (and graphics in particular), there was some partial work done towards that end (

Zac Bir13:10:30

Is there a TestFlight version?


No. The feature wasn’t completed. The WIP is here


How can I integrate firebase authentication with clojurescript? I have found the the version at cljsjs is a bit old and not maintained. And anyway, how can I just pull out a js lib and use it in cljs? Specifically when I have dot function calls like this: firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(...).catch(...)


I find the combination of shadow-cljs and cljs-oops just perfect for this.


I'm kinda new to cljs, started out using re-frame, can you elaborate a bit about this combo?


re-frame is a library. It calls itself a framework, but I disagree. 🙂 cljs-oops is another library - it makes using JS in CLJS both easy and robust (you will hear about externs - IMO they lack both). shadow-cljs is a tool that lets you build your CLJS code and makes working with NPM a charm. No need to deal with cljsjs and its issues at all.


ok thanks, ill look into that


Just in case - if you encounter any issues with shadow-cljs, it has its own channel on this server and its developer is really responsive. But it also has nice documentation so be sure to check it out as well.