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Kris C11:02:50

I have a problem understanding what is happening here:

(defn prepare-specter-fn [specterPathStr]
  #(select-first (load-string specterPathStr) %))

(defn prepare-sort-fns [sortAttrs]
  (mapv #(prepare-specter-fn (:sortExpression %)) sortAttrs))

(def pathExpStr "[:some-attr]")

(def sortAttrs [{:sortExpression "[:some-attr]"}])

(def ptest #(select-first (load-string pathExpStr) %))

(def ptest2 (first (prepare-sort-fns sortAttrs))
select-first is a specter macro why is ptest2 not the same as ptest? And what should I do to make it so?

Kris C11:02:32

ptest2 and ptest behave the same, but ptest2 is much slower...


How did you measure?


Also, it helps having the full code - including imports and tests. Apart from helping with reproducing the issue, what you think is the most important part can easily end up being completely irrelevant.

Kris C12:02:59

I am using those functions to sort a list of nested maps (count about 900)

Kris C12:02:47

What I find "weird" is that if I evaluate ptest and ptest2 in the REPL I get the following:

user> ptest
user> ptest2

Kris C12:02:43

Does that ring any bells?


That's irrelevant - those are just automatically generation function names.

Kris C12:02:30

ok... for the rest, I think the example should provide enough context for figuring out the issue?

Kris C12:02:23

in my very limited clojure knowledge, the resulting functions (`ptest` and ptest2) should be the same, but I am obviously missing something

Ferdinand Beyer13:02:52

What does load-string do?

Kris C13:02:03

reads and evaluates a form


A minimal reproducible example would be perfect, yes.

Ferdinand Beyer13:02:55

Ooops, sorry, thought it was some custom implementation 😄

Ferdinand Beyer13:02:11

Specter’s macros try to compile the given argument for optimal performance. Macros are evaluated at read time. For ptest, all information is available at macro read time:

(def ptest #(select-first (load-string pathExpStr) %))
It will resolve pathExpStr, load it, and produce an optimised function. For ptest2, this cannot be done:
(defn prepare-specter-fn [specterPathStr]
  #(select-first (load-string specterPathStr) %))
When this Clojure code is compiled, specterPathStr is unknown. So the select-first macro cannot compile it yet. That’s why it is slower.


The above statement is incorrect. pathExprStr is a string in run time, not compile time. load-string is not a macro. select-first is a macro but it doesn't do any job - it just replaces itself with a couple of function calls that are done in run time. From that point of view, ptest and ptest2 are completely equivalent.

Kris C13:02:55

Same thing if I don't use specter:

(defn prepare-fn [exp]
  #(get-in % (load-string exp) ))

(defn prepare-sort-fns [sortAttrs]
  (mapv #(prepare-fn (:sortExpression %)) sortAttrs))

(def ptest (sort-by #(get-in % [:some-attr]) col))

(def sortAttrs [{:sortExpression "[:some-attr]"}])

(def ptest2 (first (prepare-sort-fns sortAttrs))

Kris C13:02:32

if I do sort-by with ptest it's fast, while if I do it with ptest2 it's very slow

Ferdinand Beyer13:02:41

@U2FRKM4TWselect-first expands to a form that uses another macro: path. This one looks into &env for whatever smart thing specter does. I suspect that this can do optimisations when the path is known at macro-compile time that it cannot do otherwise.

Kris C13:02:49

@U031CHTGX1T it doesn't matter, I have given an example without specter (using get-in instead) and it's the same problem...

Ferdinand Beyer13:02:57

No, it’s not the same. One example uses load-string, the other one uses the parsed result. How can you expect these to perform the same?


@U031CHTGX1T Huh, you're right, thanks. One more reason for me to dislike Specter, heh.

👍 1
Ferdinand Beyer13:02:36

@U013100GJ14 In your get-in example, try loading the string only once and see how it compares:

(defn prepare-fn [exp]
  (let [p (load-string exp)]
    #(get-in % p)))
For specter, try using comp-paths and compiled-select-first in the same way.

Kris C13:02:48

uh, thanks, @U031CHTGX1T, that seems to be the problem!

Kris C13:02:33

hmm, but still...

Kris C13:02:28

I will post a complete example without specter in the main thread, please reply there. And thank you so much for your help!

Kris C14:02:55

I have deleted the other post, does not contribute because of the bug @U031CHTGX1T quickly found 🙂

Kris C14:02:48

@U031CHTGX1T thanks again!!!

👍 1
Kris C13:02:46

The complete source for the previous problem I have posted (no specter lib usage, vanilla clojure):

(defn prepare-test [exp]
  (let [p (load-string exp)]
    #(get-in % p)))

(defn prepare-sort-fns [sortAttrs]
  (mapv #(prepare-test (:sortExpression %)) sortAttrs))

(def col (shuffle (mapv #(hash-map :attr %) (range 100000))))

(time (def a (sort-by #(get-in % [:attr]) col)))

(def pfn (prepare-sort-fns [{:sortExpression "[:attr]"}]))
(time (def b (sort-by (first pfn) col)))
Elapsed times:
"Elapsed time: 42.302409 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 481.693445 msecs"
Why is the second one so much slower?

Ferdinand Beyer14:02:47

Fix your first example from [:encounter/id] to [:attr] and you will see they perform about the same

Kris C14:02:01

deleting question, does not contribute to anything due to a bug in source...



(ns foo
  (:require [bar :as b]))

(ns bar
  (:require [foo :as-alias f]))
you get a circular dependency error, but shouldn’t this be fine? all it’s doing is enabling me to write ::f/my-key in bar instead of :foo/my-key (which works).


when you say you get a circular dependency error, what error are you getting?


you could be seeing an error from tooling that doesn't understand as-alias or you could be using an older version of clojure that doesn't understand as-alias


ah, tools.namespace. thanks


you can monkey patch tools.namespace to make it work


(in-ns '

(defn- deps-from-libspec [prefix form]
  (cond (prefix-spec? form)
          (mapcat (fn [f] (deps-from-libspec
                           (symbol (str (when prefix (str prefix "."))
                                        (first form)))
                  (rest form))
          (and (sequential? form) (some #{:as-alias} form))
        (option-spec? form)
          (deps-from-libspec prefix (first form))
        (symbol? form)
          (list (symbol (str (when prefix (str prefix ".")) form)))
        (keyword? form)  ; Some people write (:require ... :reload-all)
        (string? form) ; NPM dep, ignore
          (throw (ex-info "Unparsable namespace form"
                          {:reason ::unparsable-ns-form
                           :form form}))))

(in-ns 'user)

👍 1

Is there already a proposed patch/issue for tools.namespace for this?


there is, the ask question links to the ticket, the proposed patch is slightly different

👍 1

that monkey patch is just what I ended up with when I was having trouble with tools.namespace, I didn't dig into it a ton and I am not sure what behavior differences would result in the above vs the patch in jira


what’s the best way to check that a map contains only certain keys and not others?


Let’s say I have all the necessary and sufficient keys in a list:

[::x ::y ::z]
How do I make the check that the map only contains those keys?
{::x 1 ::y 2 ::z 3}


(= (set (keys m)) #{...})

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:02:05

I think you can do better with something like (every? (set [::x ::y ::z]) (keys %))

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:02:50

esp if the necessary set is much smaller than the key set (which I assume is the case)


that ensures that all the keys in the map are in the set, but not that all the keys in the set are in the map

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:02:52

I think the intent here is the former based on the other conversation in spec