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Hi there, still debugging this cause I still have issues...basically what I observe is that the post-run hook is executed before (use-fixture :each) - Does this match the implementation? This for me is problematic cause I stop the system in an :each but shut down the test container in the post-run - I assumed post-run wraps the whole test execution


By reading the code I think I can confirm this... post-run is run right after the fixture's (f) call and therefore before the fixture's cleanup in my case... My issue is that the cleanup (system) is customized by test and I need a way to do it for each test


Should I use :kaocha.hooks/main instead for starting a test container before any test is run?


and for shutting it down after it


Would there be a way for kaocha to be in charge of :each and :once fixtures? Cause that would probably solve these seems like the hooks do not play well with them