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Good Morning!

Ben Hammond08:11:15

is there enough travel on the keys?

Ben Hammond08:11:45

does it feel like you are continually stubbing your fingertips?


plenty of travel for me... i gather the keyboards in the 2015-2018 period were rubbish, but this one feels quite nice


i don't like those long-travel cherry switch keyboards though, so my perspective may be different

Ben Hammond08:11:17

> Get Ready for Brexit essentially means > Buy yourself a new laptop NOW


Bore da pawb! welsh_flag


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claim for a whole year

Ben Hammond16:11:00

anyone here know about Apache ActiveMQ clusters? I'm trying to work out if it is possible to join and leave a cluster without restarting the ActiveMQ Server; the docs seem to imply that desired cluster membership must be configured before the server starts; but dont seem to explicitly say one way or tother


Uh, it's been a while, but I think it supports auto-discovery of clusters. You can either tell it a fixed list, or let it use Zeroconf

👍 3
Ben Hammond17:11:27

I think I was asking the wrong question, and badly phrased to boot

Ben Hammond17:11:38

I want to strat a server in a cluster do something with that cluster start ANOTHER server in that cluster do something else shut down the first server check its behaving as expected rinse-and-repeat

Ben Hammond17:11:08

I dont need the server to leave the cluster and keep running, even if that were possible or desirable

Conor17:11:27 covers it, I think? You'd start broker 1, check it works, start broker 2, turn off broker 1, check it works

👍 3
Ben Hammond17:11:00

lovely thanks