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In case the user is trying to access some path that they’re not allowed into, I want my service to short-circuit and return HTTP status 403 immediately. What is the right way to do this? Should I throw an exception in one interceptor and then handle it in another?
Also, based on > One important note here: As soon as any interceptor attaches a response to the context map, Pedestal considers the request handled. Remaining interceptors won’t be called, and only the ones that are already on the stack will have their `:leave` functions called. This is a “short-circuit” behavior like an early-exit in code. I would expect an interceptor chain consisting of two interceptors where the first one attaches a 403 response to short-circuit the chain, but it doesn’t seem to do so? This is the code for the interceptor:
{:name ::session-guard
:enter (fn [ctx]
(assoc ctx :response {:status 403}))})
It is the first interceptor in a vector containing two of them. If it is the only interceptor in the chain I get my 403 response, but otherwise it just continues on the to the next interceptor. Kind of unexpected?This is the relevant route:
#{["/guarded" :get [(ic/session-guard conf) (guarded-page)] :route-name ::guarded-page]}
(ic/session-guard conf) creates the interceptor that attaches a 403 response, while (guarded-page) creates a ring handler that makes a regular 200 response. When both are present I always get the 200 and if only the first interceptor is there I get the 403. No short-circuiting in sight?So I followed the Pedestal source code all the way to
(defn- terminator-inject
(interceptor.chain/terminate-when context #(ring-response/response? (:response %))))
Which checks whether the response is a valid Ring response:
(defn response?
"True if the supplied value is a valid response map."
{:added "1.1"}
(and (map? resp)
(integer? (:status resp))
(map? (:headers resp))))
And then I noticed that :headers must be set, so I went and modified my interceptor to also return a headers map:
(defn session-guard
[{:keys [users]}]
{:name ::session-guard
:enter (fn [ctx]
(assoc ctx :response {:status 403
:headers {}}))}))
and now it short-circuits as expected 🙂
I would still like to know if it makes more sense to do this as part of error-handling though. Any thoughts? Also, sorry for a wall of text.there is a io.pedestal.http/response?
, that is used by the standard not-found-interceptor
seems kind of sloppy that two only slightly different predicate functions are in use for termination and not-found… wonder why?
actually I discovered that if you just assoc
a response to the context in an interceptor, it stops the chain right there and sends your response
(assoc context :response (u/forbidden msg))
There’s also “terminate”
but I wonder if that's as valid as I tested
yeah I did see terminate, but why not just set the response if it's enough?
Yeah the :response value should trigger the short-circuiting. I wasn’t aware of the header requirement, but in our services we always attach content-type headers.
To me throwing an error in your interceptor, then catching it in another error interceptor and returning a 403 seems like a good way to do it. Especially if you are in a place where it’s easier to throw an exception than return a response. But would be interesting to know how other people handle that.
We usually check permissions at the very beginning of the interceptor stack.
So don’t find myself needing to do that.
for the header, I use the :leave
interceptor io.pedestal.http/json-body
and never had an issue (I never set them manually)
json-body docs
Set the Content-Type header to "application/json" and convert the body to
JSON if the body is a collection and a type has not been set.