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Hello reititians :-) I’ve been searching reitit docs for matching a route with configured a :host key in its data against the actual window’s host but couldn’t find anything related, I ended up with a custom compiler that I pass as option to reitit.core/router , like:

(defn host-match-compiler [host]
  (reify reitit.trie/TrieCompiler
         (linear-matcher [_ matchers _]
           (let [size (count matchers)]
             (reify reitit.trie/Matcher
                    (match [_ i max path]
                      (loop [j 0]
                        (when (< j size)
                          (let [m (reitit.trie/match (get matchers j) i max path)]
                            (or (when (and m (= host (-> m :data :data :host))) m)
                                (recur (inc j))))))))))
as we’re currenlty using a linear-matcher. Would anyone have a better suggestion than this? how could we move the host matching logic inside the reitit.trie/Matcher’s match implementation?


the router in question is used on the client side


@andrea712 excellect question. You could also write an unitlity on top of the router that selects a router based on the host. Something like:

(def host->router
  (->> [["/out" {:host ""}
        ["/local" {:host ""}
       (group-by (comp :host second))
       (map #(update % 1 r/router))
       (into {})))

(-> "" host->router (r/match-by-path "/out/ping"))
; #reitit.core.Match{:template "/out/ping", :data {:host ""}, :result nil, :path-params {}, :path "/out/ping"}

(-> "" host->router (r/match-by-path "/local/ping"))
; => nil


e.g. you can extract the flattened route tree with r/routes and r/compiled-routes and the options (if needed) with r/options.


@ikitommi thanks a lot for the suggestion! I’ll check if it applies to our use case, but it looks like less of a hack than ours