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@mccraigmccraig comments are lies we'll tell in the future?
@yogidevbear I own one, and soon the VR too
@yogidevbear I bought the teen a PS4 a few years ago… which basically became a way to watch YouTube videos on a big telly.
@jasonbell well in that case:
I just purchased Horizon Zero Dawn
It was between that, Titanfall 2, or Uncharted 4
it can go either way @jasonbell - my teen is rather good at the FPS thing now
in game or irl @carr0t?
@yogidevbear Horizon Zero Dawn is very good
@thomas Depending on his age, he might prefer playing it on a PC. There's more stuff, and the model isn't "pay for skins" it's free skins & maps.
@dominicm he has played it at friends on x-box. and having him play on our (work) laptops isn't ideal either.
@mccraigmccraig Hah. Assassin's Creed Origins 😉 Although she grew up in Cyprus and went to Egypt once, to me knowledge she has never stabbed anyone
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider was on offer on Steam last night. £9.99. Picked that up, loved Dishonored 1 & 2
Would quite like Shadow of War, but I object to the lootboxes even if I don't need them, and it's currently still £27 even on offer. I'll pick it up when it's sub-£20
If I had £450 to throw away, I'd have bought the Xbox One X
But I don't 😆
@yogidevbear Titanfall2 is okay, but bored me after a bit. I love the Uncharted stuff, Lost Lagacy was a little wonder.
Yeah, that was my thinking too. Titanfall 2 looks cool, but probably a lot of the same ol'
I like the concept of getting engrossed in a story line in gameplay so Uncharted is definitely appealing
@yogidevbear U-4, U-Lost Legacy and Last of Us are story filled joy.
I love the Naughty Dog stuff, though TLoU2 is looking a lot darker and brutal from the trailers I’ve seen
@yogidevbear it's £450? Oh maybe I'm looking at something old, amazon had it at £250. Maybe that's a black friday deal though.
Never heard of LoUS before. Looks good
@dominicm I hope not
Otherwise I wasted my money on a PS4pro
Apparently the single player of Titanfall2 is surprisingly good, so I'll probably buy it eventually for that. I play very little multiplayer, apart from kinda Elite
The X is the new one
Beast of a gaming machine
Especially for the price
If I could buy a laptop with those specs for that price I'd be very happy
XBox One -> XBox One S (smaller, lower power, slightly more powerful) -> XBox One X (absolute beast)
But the point is any game should be able to run on all of them. Devs aren't allowed to release 'X only' games or whatever. X is mainly for higher res, so a game that only runs at 1080p on the S might do 4K on the X
I think we are getting him an Xbox One S... when I looked at the X my wife vetoed it straight away 🙂
I am actually kinda surprised. I know Sony did the same as MS in that you're not allowed to release 'Pro Only' games yet, but I was expecting VR to require the Pro
Happy Thursday to my homeland buddies!
So I may have taken the PS4pro out of the box. But only to get it all setup for Christmas day. Really.