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Hi, I have written my first Webapplication. It should not be open to the public, just to a few people with google accounts. I would like to use google open ID connect or oauth2 to make shure only the few people can access. I only want to authenticate that people belong to a google domain. I am confused what library to use and where exactly to put it in the luminus stack. Has anybody solved this? Can anybody point me to maybe a repository where I can learn how to stick the machinery together? At the moment my understanding seems to be off. I would greatly appreciate a working example from which I can learn. At the moment I am trying to stick ring-oauth2 into the middleware. Where would you put it?


hmm. Does clj-oauth work with google oauth2?


Then I could try that.


Maybe this helps, I wanted to go with just basic authentication for my pet project, but maybe I try google instead.


@gklijs Thank you! I will try that.