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@jumar and @jr0cket thanks for your help. I finally was able to get to the roots of the issue and solve it. I was able to get auto-complete when i did cider-jack-in but i wasnt able to get it when i did cider connect thats when i figured that there will be some issue with my cider config. hence i revisited spacemacs clojure layer and figured out i hadn't created global profiles.clj as stated there which enables clj-refactor and clj-repl functionalities globally. Once i created the profiles.clj in ~/.lein i was able to get it in cider-connect also. Yay Thanx for your help


I actually removed cider-nrepl and refactor-nrepl from my profiles.clj and rely on cider to inject the proper versions. True that I don't get autocomplete when I connect to the external nrepl but I almost never do that. Good to hear that you solved it finally.


ya. maybe you can keep it too


If you really need to keep on using cider-connect over cider-jack-in then remember you need to keep the versions of cider-nrepl, refactor-nrepl & tools.nrepl up to date with updates of clojure-mode in spacemacs


Ya i will make it a point thank you @jr0cket