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When I set up one extra test folder ‘itest’ for my integration tests (+ mark it as a “green” test folder in the Project Structure), the test looks fine for some seconds, but suddenly the ‘itest’ folder turns back to “grey” and after that it isn’t recognised as a source code folder.


I have ind of the same thing, except it’s only for clojurescript sources, and it’s reset every time I open the project.


Hi. Is there any way to get "vim" like tabs in cursive ? (tab1: 3 split windows, tab2: 2 split windows) ?


I'm not sure, but it's likely an IntelliJ setting rather than a Cursive setting. I suggest looking at IntelliJ documentation.


See here for someone asking in the plugin dev forum about it this morning. I don’t really know how Vim handles tabs, but it looks like IntelliJ doesn’t do anything like that:


Adding this (broken let) will cause Cursive (and IDEA) to halt (throws StackOverFlowError):

(defn wild-param? [segment]
  (let [string-segment (if keyword? segment) (name segment) segment]
    (str/starts-with? string-segment ":")))


I have some issues with my development environment: - unused imports are not shown in grey - I can’t send things that have been defined by ‘def’ or constants (like 123) to the REPL, I need to wrap it in an empty function ((fn [] 123)) or in a vector [123]. - I can’t have more than one test folder (as mentioned earlier today) I extended the Cursive licence today and reinstalled the Cursive plugin. I’m running Cursive 1.6.1-2017-2. I have the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA, Community 2017.2.6. I use Java JDK 1.8.0_111. I still have these problems.


I have reinstalled everything now and the problem with two test folders could be that I’m doing something wrong with the profiles, I’m looking into that…so it’s ok for the moment even though I haven’t solved everything yet!


@teng @gklijs The problem with your source folders is probably that your test or source roots are added in a Leiningen profile. You can set the profiles that Cursive should use when syncing the project in the Leiningen toolwindow under the Profiles tree. Select the profiles you need then refresh your project.


@teng thanks, that dit the trick. Never really looked for a solution before, since it wasn’t that bothered by it. On overall it’s really great to be able to have it all in intelliJ.


@teng Re: unused imports, this seems to be a problem with the inspection severity, see here:


I’ve filed to investigate why this is happening.


But changing the severity generally fixes the problem as a workaround.


@cfleming “Unused import” was set to Warning and checked, but the unused imports are still not marked as grey.


+ “In All Scopes”.


@teng can you email me a copy of your log? Help-&gt;Show log in Finder/Explorer, <mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]>


I have mailed it.