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Noah Bogart18:09:08

Hey @alexmiller, I'm curious about your approach (and the clojure core team in general) to deciding which bugs to fix or even what counts as a bug. For example, I ran into the issue detailed in - "ex-info should be tolerant of nil data param" where an argument with map destructuring is nil and is passed to ex-info . I handled it as described in the ticket (`(ex-info "message" (or m {}))`) but it felt like a place where ex-info could just "do the right thing". What led you to the decision to not merge the patch? Or request an alternative version of the patch that makes the change in a new way.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:09:47

just hasn't gone through the process yet

Noah Bogart19:09:13

My apologies, I don't mean to ask directly about that one necessarily, I'm purely curious about your process. Hoping to better understand it as I recently added a patch for clojure.test and don't have a good frame of reference for how things work

Daniel Craig19:09:17

If it's helpful, I'll pop this in the chat in case it's helpful:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:09:27

that's the overall process but of course there are vastly more things to look at than we will actually have time to look at, so I assume your question is how do we pick

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:09:51

Fogus and I build target lists to go through with Rich - those are a combination of things highly voted on ask clojure, things of high priority (based on other time swept sweeping through big issue lists and prioritizing), and generally things people regularly ask about

👍 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:09:25

we've built some lists for 1.12, Rich hasn't looked at any of it yet


On the subject of 1.12, I still have regular reminders popping up about that stability issue I reported with the alpha but haven't yet had the space to put a version of the problematic app in production with the alpha in order to get thread and heap dumps. I will get to it. Maybe next week.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:09:35

can turn a finite repeat into an infinite repeat, no idea if you happened to hit that


I wouldn't have expected that to be the cause but I guess it is possible. Strange that it affects only one app, as far as we could tell, although we do have a (drop 10 countries) in that app where countries is a lazy seq that could have less than 10 elements in some situations.


We also have a (drop n segments) call where n varies from 1 to (inc (count segments)) -- but none of those involve repeat (or can this bug surface with other drop calls?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:09:02

it's specific to repeat


OK, then it wouldn't affect that app.

Noah Bogart19:09:24

I didn't realize every single patch still had to get explicit approval from Rich, that's interesting. Cool, thanks for the explanation