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does anyone else have this problem with vim? I use vim-sexp and when I open a quote it adds the close as expected, but when I close the quote it adds a whole new set. e.g.:

"typing xxx
"typing xxx "" "


I see the same in my nvim. I have narrowed it down to treesitter. When it is enabled it removes the old regex based highlights. Looks like vim-sexp depends on those highlights to understand that cursor is inside a string.


looks like adding "clojure" to the highlight.additional_vim_regex_highlighting in treesitter config setup fixes the vim-sexp


oh wow, that does the trick! Have you reported this to either project?


no, just discovered that there is a bug 🙂


Ah. Well good find. You saved me a lot of pain (that I've been dealing with for quite some time)

Noah Bogart16:09:45

@alex.sheluchin if you want to debug coc.nvim, change the trace to be "verbose" and then you can check messages with :CocCommand workspace.showOutput

Noah Bogart16:09:00

there's other stuff you can do but that's a good first step

Noah Bogart16:09:22

will show you pretty-printed json values passed back and forth with clojure-lsp


Thank you, @UEENNMX0T. That helped me figure it out. It wasn't outputting anything at all which lead me to understand that it wasn't using coc.nvim to pull up the documentation. vim-iced was providing it.

👍 1

This has got to be FAQ (and maybe if I knew where to look it would be easy to find the answer 🙂 ), but so far I haven't found an answer. When running Conjure with conjure-client-clojure-nrepl, when it connects, there is a session name. That suggests that it would be possible to run multiple nrepl sessions. For example, it would be nice to put code that runs for a long time into one session, and then use another session to continue to evaluate other code, or use other features of Conjure, while it's running. (Of course I could just run the slow code somewhere else, but it's convenient to do everything from one nvim instance.) Where should I look for information on creating multiple sessions? Is this in the Conjure docs somewhere (I haven't found it). Or do I need to learn more about nrepl?

💡 1

Thanks @U38J3881W! I don't know how I missed that.


What does cloning a session mean? Does that mean that the environment is copied over? And a fresh session just has the environment from project.clj (in Leiningen)? And I assume that "Assume the next/previous session" means that further interactions will go to that session--is that right? My guess is that the answer to all of these questions is "Yes".