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Dustin Getz20:09:59

Jank is fixed! This one fixes the DOM in place, and assumes static height to snap the scroll cleanly to rows like a google sheet @denik. 87 LOC

wow 1

getting this dep cycle warning in intellij which breaks load file

Dustin Getz12:09:44

This is a Cursive bug I believe related to handling of :as-alias

Dustin Getz12:09:59

(ns hyperfiddle.photon.debug
  (:require [hyperfiddle.photon-impl.runtime :as-alias r]

Dustin Getz12:09:26

Eval the NS form directly and it will pass Clojure

Dustin Getz12:09:54

Cursive claims it was fixed in EAP channel but i upgraded and still see the issue

Dustin Getz12:09:29

"Select All" > "Send Selection to REPL" is a quick workaround


ok! yes, doing the select all already just wanted to make you aware

🙏 1