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Mark W00:08:52

clojurescript version "1.10.339"

Mark W00:08:35

also I'm constructing a blob object so that I can send it in the multipart-form version of

Michaël Salihi16:08:48

Hi @thheller Simple question : Can I test Shadow-cljs demo project after git clone Shadow-cljs ? Like shadow-cljs/src/dev/demo/rn.cljs ? I do shadow-cljs watch test-rn and after that can I Iaunch on emulator with react-native run-android or I must create a new project and demo files are just examples ?

Mark W16:08:19

OK, so problem seems to be resolved by simply using hte base64 string to create the blob instead of decoding it into an ArrayBuffer.

Mark W16:08:37

now the issue is receiving a status of "0" and success false in the front end after a multipart-params request with the blob and jetty debug shows "org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection$SendCallback@701c17be[PROCESSING][i=ResponseInfo{HTTP/1.1 200 null,-1,false},"....I'm accessing the local server at from the android emulator and have the security flags disabled for ring-defaults

Mark W16:08:38

sending just a non blob param in the multipart-params returns status code 200 and success true but once the blob is included status is 0


the stuff in the shadow-cljs repo isn't meant to serve as an example


that currently generates its output to out/TestCRNA which I have not checked into git


but it is a create-react-native-app based project skeleton

Michaël Salihi21:08:49

@thheller OK nice, I see. Thx !