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Hey, everyone! I've recently switched to Spacemacs and I have a problem with enabling linters for clojure files. I see that this is a bit of a hot topic here 🙂 My issue is that I can't for some reason enable default linting from the clojure layer. I followed the simple steps here: I also added all the relevant dependencies to project.clj. In the end, however, I don't get any linting and flycheck shows this: I'm wondering if anyone had similar issues?

practicalli-johnny12:08:47 The lint configuration in the Clojure Layer docs is for Eastwood/Squiggly. I haven't used that combination (as it can have side effects of your code is not reloadable. I use clj-kondo as a linter and that works well for my needs

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❤️ 4

I've had similar issues with the default not working, but clj-kondo has been working. Not sure what's wrong with the default instructions though.