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So I'm looking for a command line solution to handling generic tooling tasks such as "bump version number", or "modify deps.edn to add something to :deps
" ... do we just write our own scripts to do that sort of thing or is there a canonical solution? should help you 🙂
Also I'm still really curious what the heck a build.clj
file is, such this:
(require '[ :as b])
(b/build "src"
{:output-dir "out"
:output-to "out/main.js"
:optimizations :none
:main 'example.core
:install-deps true
:npm-deps {:react "15.6.1"
:react-dom "15.6.1"}})
reference here
and here
and here
Maybe an intermediate step on the way to tools-deps?
To run their example, back in 2017 you did this: java -cp
ls ../../lib/*.jar | paste -sd ":" -`:../../src/main/cljs:../../src/main/clojure:src clojure.main build.clj`
with tools-deps you can do this though: clojure build.clj
2017 was rough 😬
Is there a place in deps.edn
where we put license/version info or does that go somewhere else now?
@alexmiller in tools.deps.alpha.reader, is it worth having the user-deps locator as a separate function? In pack the issue has been raised to include part of the user deps.edn which seems acceptable. That part is just for including maven repo settings which are user-local.