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Anyone hang out here regularly? Im considering cojurescript / react-native / re-natal for a mobile app project and Im looking for some advice from the perspective of someone with a good deal of JS experience, but no real clojure experience


hello Guys project generated by re-natal command lein repl returned java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: cider.nrepl.middleware.test/wrap-test in this context


update your cider in lein profile ?


run lein repl from idea resolve my problem


Anyone had the problem where a RN screen with inputs re-renders any time a subscription anywhere on the screen changes?


@breyno127It's not the most documented approach, with the best tooling, but it certainly works. If you want ClojureScript for your front-end, which is a totally fine thing to want, then it does the trick. I'd recommend using re-frame, which is the gem of the whole stack, in my opinion. Performance shouldn't be a problem, for a normal app; everything I've built with it, even when I think it'll be slow, ends up cruising right along.


@breyno127 If you already know React or React Native, and you're just looking for a project to learn Clojure/Script; I'd recommend learning it in any way you can, since it's enlightening, so go for it.


Thanks @jeaye! I appreciate the advice. Im just now digging into React / React-Native, but I have alot of experience with Javascript, Coffeescript, Jquery, and Emberjs. Im finding it hard to translate the React / RN code that Im looking at over to the Clojurescript equivalent. Im grasping the React stuff pretty well. Ive played around alot with Racket, Scheme, and Elisp, but Clojure / Clojurescript so far seems different enough to warrant a deeper dive.


Any resources you recommend?


For learning Clojure, in general, I recommend