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Adam Helins10:11:05

Is there any way for passing something from the CLI to hooks? Since System/getProperty is not supported by SCI


Currently not. Can you describe your use case?

Adam Helins10:11:39

Not strictly necessary but it would make my hook more accurate. Essentially, there is a macro selecting code based on a property, akin to the reader conditionals if you will. It would be nice being able to indicate the hook which code should be selected and processed, discarding the rest.


but isn't the property depending on the runtime, which is not available in general in static analysis?

Adam Helins10:11:08

Yes, so analysis should be run twice in this case (2 possibilities for selecting code), but it would be best maintaining one config


Hey, can I access the var meta in custom hook for defn? Like (defn ^Return foobar [] ...). Taking the fn name node and looking at meta only returns the position info, not :tag.


Ha, found it. This is in the node :meta.