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I’m having trouble cider-inspect ing with a shadow cljs app. I’ve narrowed the problem to cider-nrepl-send-sync-request returning the evaluation result in an unexpected form. I’ve compared it to another non-js app where inspecting works. working nREPL return value: (\"Class\" \": \" (:value \"clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap\" 0) (:newline) \"Contents: \" (:newline) ... erroring nREPL return value: { :id "abc" … } The former is in an Elisp-parsable form; the latter is a direct Clojure representation.

Drew Verlee15:08:56

as far as i know, cider-inspect doesn't always play nice with shadow-cljs. The easiest thing is to use shadow's built in inspect console with tap>, or you could look at portal or reveal.